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473 Works of Isaac Watts

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Christ’s dying love; or, Ourpardon bought at a dear price. How condescending and how kindWas God’s eternal Son!Our misery reach’d his heavenly mind,And pity brought him down. [When Justice by our sins provok’dDrew forth its dreadful sword,He gave his soul up to the stroke,Without a murmuring word.] [He sunk beneath our heavy woesTo raise us […]

The new testament in the blood ofChrist; or, The new covenant sealed. “The promise of my Father’s love“Shall stand for ever good;”He said, and gave his soul to death,And seal’d the grace with blood. To this dear covenant of thy wordI set my worthless name;I seal th’ engagement to my Lord,And make my humble claim. […]

Communion with Christ, and with saints,1 Cor. 10. 16 17. [Jesus invites his saintsTo meet around his board;Here pardon’d rebels sit, and holdCommunion with their Lord. For food he gives his flesh,He bids us drink his blood,Amazing favour! matchless graceOf our descending God!] This holy bread and wineMaintains our fainting breath,By union with our living […]

Christ crucified; the wisdom and power of God. Nature with open volume standsTo spread her Maker’s praise abroad;And every labour of his handsShews something worthy of a God. But in the grace that rescu’d manHis brightest form of glory shines;Here on the cross ’tis fairest drawnIn precious blood and crimson lines. [Here his whole name […]

The Spirit, the water, and the blood, John 5. 6. [Let all our tongues be oneTo praise our God on high,Who from his bosom sent his SonTo fetch us strangers nigh. Nor let our voices ceaseTo sing the Saviour’s Name;Jesus th’ ambassador of peace,How cheerfully he came! It cost him cries and tearsTo bring us […]

The tree of life. Come let us join a joyful tuneTo our exalted Lord,Ye saints on high around his throne,And we around his board. While once upon this lower groundWeary and faint ye stood,What dear refreshments here ye foundFrom this immortal food! The tree of life that near the throneIn heaven’s high garden grows,Laden with […]

Crucifixion to the world by thecross of Christ, Gal. 6. 14. When I survey the wondrous crossOn which the Prince of Glory dy’d,My richest gain I count but loss,And pour contempt on all my pride. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,Save in the death of Christ my God;All the vain things that charm me […]

The memorial of our absent Lord,John 16. 16. Luke 22. 19. John 14. 3. Jesus is gone above the skies,Where our weak senses reach him notAnd carnal objects court our eyesTo thrust our Saviour from our thought. He knows what wandering hearts we have,Apt to forget his lovely face;And to refresh our minds he gaveThese […]

The song of Simeon, Luke 2. 28;or, A sight of Christ makes death easy. Now have our hearts embrac’d our God,We would forget all earthly charms,And wish to die as Simeon would,With his young Saviour in his arms. Our lips should learn that joyful song,Were but our hearts prepar’d like his;Our souls still willing to […]

Divine love making a feast, and callingin the guests, Luke 14. 17 22 23. How sweet and awful is the placeWith Christ within the doors,While everlasting love displaysThe choicest of her stores! Here every bowel of our GodWith soft compassion rollsHere peace and pardon bought with bloodIs food for dying souls. [While all our hearts […]

The gospel feast, Luke 14. 16 etc. [How rich are thy provisions Lord!Thy table furnish’d from above,The fruits of life o’erspread the board,The cup o’erflows with heavenly love. Thine ancient family the Jews,Were first invited to the feast;We humbly take what they refuse,And Gentiles thy salvation taste. We are the poor, the blind, the lame,And […]

Pardon brought in our senses. Lord, how divine thy comforts are!How heavenly is the placeWhere Jesus spreads the sacred feastOf his redeeming grace! There the rich bounties of our God,And sweetest glories shine;There Jesus says, that “I am his,“And my Beloved’s mine.” “Here,” (says the kind redeeming Lord,And shews his wounded side)“See here the spring […]

The same. Jesus, we bow before thy feet,Thy table is divinely stor’d:Thy sacred flesh our souls have eat,‘Tis living bread; we thank thee, Lord! And here we drink our Saviour’s blood,We thank thee, Lord, ’tis generous wine;Mingled with love the fountain flow’dFrom that dear bleeding heart of thine. On earth is no such sweetness found,For […]

Incomparable food; or,The flesh and blood of Christ. [We sing th’ amazing deedsThat grace divine performs;Th’ eternal God comes down and bleedsTo nourish dying worms. This soul reviving wine,Dear Saviour, ’tis thy blood;We thank that sacred flesh of thineFor this immortal food.] The banquet that we eatIs made of heavenly things,Earth hath no dainties half […]

The agonies of Christ. Now let our pains be all forgot,Our hearts no more repine,Our sufferings are not worth a thought,When, Lord, compar’d with thine. In lively figures here we seeThe bleeding Prince of love;Each of us hope he dy’d for me,And then our griefs remove. [Our humble faith here takes her rise,While sitting round […]

Our Lord Jesus at his own table. [The memory of our dying LordAwakes a thankful tongue:How rich he spread his royal board,And blest the food, and sung. Happy the men that eat this bread,But double bless’d was heThat gently bow’d his loving head,And lean’d it, Lord, on thee. By faith the same delights we tasteAs […]

The compassion of a dying Christ. Our spirits join t’ adore the Lamb;O that our feeble lips could moveIn strains immortal as his Name,And melting as his dying love. Was ever equal pity found?The Prince of heaven resigns his breath,And pours his life out on the groundTo ransom guilty worms from death. [Rebels, we broke […]

The triumphal feast for Christ’s victoryover sin, and death, and hell. [Come let us lift our voices high,High as our joys arise,And join the songs above the sky,Where pleasure never dies. Jesus, the God that fought and bled,And conquer’d when he fell;That rose, and at his chariot-wheelsDragg’d all the powers of hell.] [Jesus the God […]

The provisions for the table of our Lord; or, Thetree of life, and river of love. Lord, we adore thy bounteous hand,And sing the solemn feastWhere sweet celestial dainties standFor every willing guest. [The tree of life adorns the boardWith rich immortal fruit,And ne’er an angry flaming swordTo guard the passage to’t. The cup stands […]

Glory in the cross; or, Not ashamedof Christ crucified. At thy command, our dearest Lord,Here we attend thy dying feast;Thy blood like wine adorns thy board,And thine own flesh feeds every guest. Our faith adores thy bleeding love,And trusts for life in one that dy’d;We hope for heavenly crowns aboveFrom a Redeemer crucify’d. Let the […]