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473 Works of Isaac Watts

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Psalm 25:3. 15-22. Third PartDistress of soul; or, Backsliding and desertion. Mine eyes and my desireAre ever to the Lord;I love to plead his promises,And rest upon his word. Turn, turn thee to my soul,Bring thy salvation near:When will thy hand release my feetOut of the deadly snare? When shall the sovereign graceOf my forgiving […]

Psalm 31:1. 5 13-19 22 23. First PartDeliverance from death. Into thine hand, O God of truth,My spirit I commit;Thou hast redeem’d my soul from death,And sav’d me from the pit. The passions of my hope and fearMaintain’d a doubtful strife,While sorrow, pain, and sin conspir’dTo take away my life. “My times are in thine […]

Psalm 30:2. 6. Second PartHealth, sickness, and recovery. Firm was my health, my day was bright,And I presum’d ‘twould ne’er be night;Fondly I said within my heart,“Pleasure and peace shall ne’er depart.” But I forgot thine arm was strong,Which made my mountain stand so long;Soon as thy face began to hide,My health was gone, my […]

Sickness healed, and sorrow removed. I will extol thee, Lord, on high,At thy command, diseases fly;Who but a God can speak and saveFrom the dark borders of the grave? Sing to the Lord, ye saints of his,And tell how large his goodness is;Let all your powers rejoice and bless,While you record his holiness. His anger […]

Psalm 29. L. M.Storm and thunder. Give to the Lord, ye sons of fame,Give to the Lord renown and power,Ascribe due honours to his name,And his eternal might adore. The Lord proclaims his power aloudOver the ocean and the land;His voice divides the watery cloud,And lightnings blaze at his command. He speaks, and tempest, hail, […]

Psalm 32:2. First Part. L. M.Free pardon and sincere obedience;or, Confession and forgiveness. Happy the man to whom his GodNo more imputes his sin,But wash’d in the Redeemer’s blood,Hath made his garments clean! Happy, beyond expression, heWhose debts are thus discharg’d;And from the guilty bondage free,He feels his soul enlarg’d. His spirit hates deceit and […]

Psalm 32:1. S. M.Forgiveness of sins upon confession. O blessed souls are theyWhose sins are cover’d o’er!Divinely blest, to whom the Lordimputes their guilt no more. They mourn their follies past,And keep their hearts with care;Their lips and lives without deceit,Shall prove their faith sincere. While I conceal’d my guiltI felt the festering wound,Till I […]

Psalm 31:2. 7-13 18-21. Second PartDeliverance from slander and reproach. My heart rejoices in thy name,My God, my help, my trust;Thou hast preserv’d my face from shame,Mine honour from the dust. “My life is spent with grief,” I cry’d,“My years consum’d in groans,“My strength decays, mine eyes are dry’d,“And sorrow wastes my bones.” Among mine […]

Psalm 33:2. Second Part. C. M.Creatures vain, and God all-sufficient. Blest is the nation where the LordHath fix’d his gracious throne;Where he reveals his heavenly word,And calls their tribes his own. His eye, with infinite survey,Does the whole world behold;He form’d us all of equal clay,And knows our feeble mould. Kings are not rescu’d by […]

Psalm 33:1. First Part. C. M.Works of creation and providence. Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord,This work belongs to you:Sing of his name, his ways, his word,How holy, just, and true! His mercy and his righteousnessLet heaven and earth proclaim;His works of nature and of graceReveal his wondrous name. His wisdom and almighty wordThe heavenly […]

Psalm 32:4. Second Part. L. MA guilty conscience eased by confession and pardon. While I keep silence, and concealMy heavy guilt within my heart,What torments doth my conscience feel!What agonies of inward smart! I spread my sins before the Lord,And all my secret faults confess;Thy gospel speaks a pard’ning wordThine Holy Spirit seals the grace. […]

Psalm 32:3. L. M.Repentance and free pardon;or, Justification and sanctification. Blest is the man, for ever blest,Whose guilt is pardon’d by his God,Whose sins with sorrow are confess’d,And cover’d with his Saviour’s blood. Blest is the man to whom the LordImputes not his iniquities,He pleads no merit of reward,And not on works, but grace relies. […]

Psalm 34:1. First Part. L. M.God’s care of the saints; or, Deliverance by prayer. Lord, I will bless thee all my days,Thy praise shall dwell upon my tongue;My soul shall glory in thy grace,While saints rejoice to hear the song. Come, magnify the Lord with me,Come, let us all exalt his name;I sought th’ eternal […]

Creatures vain, and God all-sufficient. 1 O Happy nation, where the LordReveals the treasure of his word,And builds his church his earthly throne!His eye the heathen world surveys,He form’d their hearts, he knows their ways;But God their Maker is unknown. Let kings rely upon their host,And of his strength the champion boast;In vain they boast, […]

Works of creation and providence. Ye holy souls, in God rejoice,Your Maker’s praise becomes your voice;Great is your theme, your songs be new:Sing of his name, his word, his ways,His works of nature and of grace,How wise and holy, just and true. Justice and truth he ever loves,And the whole earth his goodness proves,His word […]

Prayer and faith of persecuted saints;or, Imprecations mixed with charity. Now plead my cause, almighty God,With all the Sons of strife;And fight against the men of blood,Who fight against my life. Draw out thy spear and stop their way,Lift thine avenging rod;But to my soul in mercy say,“I am thy Saviour God.” They plant their […]

Psalm 34:4. 11-22. Second Part. C. M.Exhortations to peace and Holiness. Come, children, learn to fear the Lord;And that your days be long,Let not a false or spiteful wordBe found upon your tongue. Depart from mischief, practise love,Pursue the works of peace;So shall the Lord your ways approve,And set your souls at ease. His eyes […]

Psalm 34:3. 1-10. First Part. C. M.Prayer and Praise for eminent deliverance. I’ll bless the Lord from day to day;How good are all his ways!Ye humble souls that use to pray,Come, help my lips to praise. Sing to the honour of his name,How a poor sufferer cry’d,Nor was his hope expos’d to shame,Nor was his […]

Psalm 34:2. 11-22. Second Part. L. M.Religious education; or, Instructions of piety. Children in years and knowledge young,Your parents’ hope, your parents’ joy,Attend the counsels of my tongue,Let pious thoughts your minds employ. If you desire a length of days,And peace to crown your mortal state,Restrain your feet from impious ways,Your lips from slander and […]

Psalm 36:2. 1 2 5 6 7 9 C. MPractical atheism exposed; or,The being and attributes of God asserted. While men grow bold in wicked ways!And yet a God they own,My heart within me often says,“Their thoughts believe there’s none.” Their thoughts and ways at once declare(Whate’er their lips profess)God hath no wrath for them […]