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473 Works of Isaac Watts

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The deceitfulness of sin. Sin has a thousand treacherous artsTo practise on the mind;With flattering looks she tempts our heartsBut leaves a sting behind. With names of virtue she deceivesThe aged and the young;And while the heedless wretch believes,She makes his fetters strong. She pleads for all the joys she brings,And gives a fair pretence;But […]

The same. Now Satan comes with dreadful roar,And threatens to destroy;He worries whom he can’t devourWith a malicious joy. Ye sons of God, oppose his rage,Resist, and he’ll be gone;Thus did our dearest Lord engageAnd vanquish him alone. Now he appears almost divineLike innocence and love,But the old serpent lurks withinWhen he assumes the dove. […]

Presumption and despair;or, Satan’s various temptations. I hate the tempter and his charms,I hate his flattering breath;The serpent takes a thousand formsTo cheat our souls to death. He feeds our hopes with airy dreams,Or kills with slavish fear;And holds us still in wide extremes,Presumption, or despair. Now he persuades, “How easy ’tis“To walk the road […]

Christ our passover. Lo the destroying angel fliesTo Pharaoh’s stubborn land:The pride and flower of Egypt diesBy his vindictive hand. He pass’d the tents of Jacob o’er,Nor pour’d the wrath divine;He saw the blood on every door,And bless’d the peaceful sign. Thus th’ appointed Lamb must bleedTo break th’ Egyptian yoke;Thus Israel is from bondage […]

Self-righteousness insufficient. “Where are the mourners, [1] (saith the Lord)“That wait and tremble at my word,“That walk in darkness all the day?“Come, make my name your trust and stay. [“No works nor duties of your own“Can for the smallest sin atone;“The robes [2] that nature may provide“Will not your least pollutions hide. “The softest couch […]

Christian virtues; or, Thedifficulty of conversion. Strait is the way, the door is straitThat leads to joys on high;‘Tis but a few that find the gate,While crowds mistake and die. Beloved self must be deny’d,The mind and will renew’d:Passion suppress’d, and patience try’d,And vain desires subdu’d. [Flesh is a dangerous foe to grace,Where it prevails […]

Custom in sin. Let the wild leopards of the woodPut off the spots that nature gives,Then may the wicked turn to God,And change their tempers and their lives. As well might Ethiopian slavesWash out the darkness of their skin;The dead as well might leave their graves,As old transgressors cease to sin. Where vice has held […]

An unconverted state;or, Converting grace. [Great King of Glory and of grace,We own with humble shame,How vile is our degenerate race,And our first father’s name.] From Adam flows our tainted blood,The poison reigns within,Makes us averse to all that’s good,And willing slaves to sin. [Daily we break thy holy laws,And then reject thy grace;Engag’d in […]

Few saved; or, The almost Christian,the hypocrite, and apostate. Broad is the road that leads to death,And thousands walk together there;But wisdom shews a narrower path,With here and there a traveller. “Deny thyself, and take thy cross,”Is the Redeemer’s great command;Nature must count her gold but drossIf she would gain this heavenly land. The fearful […]

The end of the world. Why should this earth delight us so?Why should we fix our eyesOn these low grounds where sorrows grow,And every pleasure dies? While time his sharpest teeth preparesOur comforts to devour,There is a land above the stars,And joys above his power. Nature shall be dissolv’d and die,The sun must end his […]

Complaint of desertion and temptations. Dear Lord, behold our sore distress;Our sins attempt to reign;Stretch out thine arm of conquering grace,And let thy foes be slain. [The lion with his dreadful roarAffrights thy feeble sheep;Reveal the glory of thy power,And chain him to the deep. Must we indulge a long despair,Shall our petitions die;Our mournings […]

Meditation of heaven;or, The joy of faith. My thoughts surmount these lower skiesAnd look within the veil;There springs of endless pleasure rise,The waters never fail. There I behold with sweet delightThe blessed Three in One;And strong affections fix my sightOn God’s incarnate Son. His promise stands for ever firm,His grace shall ne’er depart;He binds my […]

The same. Jehovah reigns, his throne is high,His robes are light and majesty;His glory shines with beams so brightNo mortal can sustain the sight. His terrors keep the world in awe,His justice guards his holy law;His love reveals a smiling face,His truth and promise seal the grace. Thro’ all his works his wisdom shines,And baffles […]

The divine perfections. Great God, thy glories shall employMy holy fear, my humble joy;My lips in songs of honour bringTheir tribute to th’ eternal King. [Earth and the stars and worlds unknown,Depend precarious on his throne,All nature hangs upon his word,And grace and glory own their Lord.] [His sovereign power what mortal knows?If he command […]

The divine perfections. How shall I praise th’ eternal God,That infinite unknown?Who can ascend his high abode,Or venture near his throne? [The great Invisible! he dwellsConceal’d in dazzling light;But his all-searching eye revealsThe secrets of the night. Those watchful eyes that never sleepSurvey the world around;His wisdom is a boundless deepWhere all our thoughts are […]

Unfruitfulness, ignorance,and unsanctified affections. Long have I sat beneath the soundOf thy salvation, LordBut still how weak my faith is found,And knowledge of thy word! Oft I frequent thy holy placeAnd hear almost in vain;How small a portion of thy graceMy memory can retain! [My dear Almighty, and my God,How little art thou knownBy all […]

The Lord’s Supper instituted,1 Corinthians 11:23 etc. ‘Twas on that dark, that doleful nightWhen powers of earth and hell aroseAgainst the Son of God’s delight,And friends betray’d him to his foes; Before the mournful scene beganHe took the bread, and bless’d, and brake:What love thro’ all his actions ran!What wondrous words of grace he spake! […]

God incomprehensible and sovereign. Can creatures to perfection find [1]Th’ eternal uncreated mind?Or can the largest stretch of thoughtMeasure and search his nature out? ‘Tis high as heaven, ’tis deep as hell,And what can mortals know or tell?His glory spreads beyond the sky,And all the shining worlds on high. But man, vain man, would fain […]

The same. The Lord Jehovah reignsHis throne is built on high;The garments he assumesAre light and majesty;His glories shineWith beams so brightNo mortal eyeCan bear the sight. The thunders of his handKeep the wide world in awe;His wrath and justice standTo guard his holy law;And where his loveResolves to bless,His truth confirmsAnd seals the grace. […]

Christ the bread of life, John 6. 31 35 39. Let us adore th’ eternal Word,‘Tis he our souls hath fed;Thou art our living stream, O Lord,And thou th’ immortal bread. [The manna came from lower skies,But Jesus from above,Where the fresh springs of pleasure riseAnd rivers flow with love. The Jews the fathers dy’d […]