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473 Works of Isaac Watts

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The church the birth-place of the saints; or,Jews and Gentiles united in the Christian Church. God in his earthly temple laysFoundations for his heavenly praise:He likes the tents of Jacob well,But still in Zion loves to dwell. His mercy visits every houseThat pay their night and morning vows;But makes a more delightful stayWhere churches meet […]

Psalm 86. 8-13A general song of praise to God. Among the princes, earthly gods,There’s none hath power divine;Nor is their nature, mighty Lord,Nor are their works like thine. The nations thou hast made shall bringTheir offerings round thy throne;For thou alone dost wondrous things,For thou art God alone. Lord, I would walk with holy feet;Teach […]

Psalm 89:5. 19 etc. Fourth PartChrist’s mediatorial kingdom; or,His divine and human nature. Hear what the Lord in vision said,And made his mercy known:“Sinners, behold your help is laid“On my almighty Son. “Behold the man my wisdom chose“Among your mortal race;“His head my holy oil o’erflows,“The Spirit of my grace. “High shall he reign on […]

Psalm 89:4. 15 etc. Third PartA blessed gospel. Blest are the souls that hear and knowThe gospel’s joyful sound;Peace shall attend the path they go,And light their steps surround. Their joy shall bear their spirits upThro’ their Redeemer’s Name;His righteousness exalts their hope,Nor Satan dares condemn. The Lord, our glory and defence,Strength and salvation gives;Israel, […]

Psalm 89:5. 19 etc. Fourth PartChrist’s mediatorial kingdom; or,His divine and human nature. Hear what the Lord in vision said,And made his mercy known:“Sinners, behold your help is laid“On my almighty Son. “Behold the man my wisdom chose“Among your mortal race;“His head my holy oil o’erflows,“The Spirit of my grace. “High shall he reign on […]

Psalm 89:6. 30 etc. Fifth PartThe covenant of grace unchangeable;or, Afflictions without rejection. “Yet (saith the Lord) if David’s race,“The children of my Son,“Should break my laws, abuse my grace,“And tempt mine anger down; “Their sins I’ll visit with the rod,“And make their folly smart;“But I’ll not cease to be their God,“Nor from my truth […]

Psalm 89:7. 47 etc. Sixth PartMortality and hope.A funeral psalm. Remember, Lord, our mortal state,How frail our life, how short the date!Where is the man that draws his breathSafe from disease, secure from death? Lord, while we see whole nations die,Our flesh and sense repine and cry,“Must death for ever rage and reign?“Or hast thou […]

Psalm 89:8. 47 etc. Last PartAs the 113th Psalm.Life, death, and the resurrection. Think, mighty God, on feeble man,How few his hours, how short his span!Short from the cradle to the grave:Who can secure his vital breathAgainst the bold demands of death,With skill to fly, or power to save? Lord, shall it be for ever […]

Psalm 90:1. L. M.Man mortal, and God eternal.A mournful song at a funeral. Thro’ every age, eternal God,Thou art our rest, our safe abode;High was thy throne ere heaven was made,Or earth thy humble footstool laid. Long hadst thou reign’d ere time began,Or dust was fashion’d to a man;And long thy kingdom shall endureWhen earth […]

Psalm 90:3. 8 11 9 10 12. 2d Part. C. M.Infirmities and mortality the effect of sin; or,Life, old age, and preparation for death. Lord, if thine eyes survey our faults,And justice grow severe,Thy dreadful wrath exceeds our thoughts,And burns beyond our fear. Thine anger turns our frame to dust;By one offence to theeAdam with […]

Psalm 90:2. 1-5. First Part. C. M.Man frail, and God eternal. Our God, our help in ages past,Our hope for years to come,Our shelter from the stormy blast,And our eternal home. Under the shadow of thy throneThy saints have dwelt secure;Sufficient is thine arm alone,And our defence is sure. Before the hills in order stood,Or […]

Psalm 90:4. 13 etc. Third Part. C. M.Breathing after heaven. Return, O God of love, return;Earth is a tiresome place:How long shall we thy children mournOur absence from thy face! Let heaven succeed our painful years,Let sin and sorrow cease,And in proportion to our tearsSo make our joys increase. Thy wonders to thy servants show,Make […]

Psalm 93:1. 1st Metre. As 100th PsalmThe eternal and sovereign God. Jehovah reigns; he dwells in light,Girded with majesty and might:The world created by his handsStill on its first foundation stands. But ere this spacious world was made,Or had its first foundations laid,Thy throne eternal ages stood,Thyself the ever-living God. Like floods the angry nations […]

Psalm 92:2. 12 etc. Second PartThe church is the garden of God. Lord, ’tis a pleasant thing to standIn gardens planted by thine hand;Let me within thy courts be seenLike a young cedar fresh and green. There grow thy saints in faith and love,Blest with thine influence from above;Not Lebanon with all its treesYields such […]

Psalm 91:1. 1-7. First PartSafety in public diseases and dangers. He that hath made his refuge God,Shall find a most secure abode,Shall walk all day beneath his shade,And there at night shall rest his head. Then will I say, “My God, thy power“Shall be my fortress and my tower;“I that am form’d of feeble dust“Make […]

Psalm 91:2. 1-16. Second PartProtection from death, guard ofangels, victory and deliverance. Ye sons of men, a feeble race,Expos’d to every snare,Come make the Lord your dwelling-place,And try and trust his care. No ill shall enter where you dwell;Or if the plague come nigh,And sweep the wicked down to hell,‘Twill raise his saints on high. […]

A psalm for the Lord’s day. Sweet is the work, my God my King,To praise thy Name, give thanks and sing,To shew thy love by morning light,And talk of all thy truth at night. Sweet is the day of sacred rest,No mortal cares shall seize my breast;O may my heart in tune be foundLike David’s […]

Psalm 90:5. 5 10 12. S. M.The frailty and shortness of life. Lord what a feeble pieceIs this our mortal frame!Our life how poor a trifle ’tis,That scarce deserves the name! Alas the brittle clayThat built our body first!And every month, and every day‘Tis mouldering back to dust. Our moments fly apace,Nor will our minutes […]

Psalm 93:2. 2d M. As the Old 50th PsalmThe same. The Lord of glory reigns; he reigns on high;His robes of state are strength and majesty:This wide creation rose at his command,Built by his word, and ‘stablish’d by his hand:Long stood his throne ere he began creation,And his own Godhead is the firm foundation. God […]

Psalm 94:1. 1 2 7-14. First PartSaints chastised, and sinners destroyed;or, Instructive afflictions. God, to whom revenge belongs,Proclaim thy truth aloudLet Sovereign Power redress our wrongs,Let justice smite the proud. They say, “The Lord nor sees nor hears;”When will the fools be wise!Can he be deaf who form’d their ears?Or blind, who made their eyes? […]