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473 Works of Isaac Watts

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Power and government from God alone.Applied to the glorious Revolution by King William, orthe happy Accession of King George to the Throne. To thee, most holy, and most high,To thee, we bring our thankful praise;Thy works declare thy name is nigh,Thy works of wonder and of grace. Britain was doom’d to be a slave,Her frame […]

The church pleading with Godunder sore persecutions. Will God for ever cast us off?His wrath for ever smokeAgainst the people of his love,His little chosen flock? Think of the tribes so dearly boughtWith their Redeemer’s blood;Nor let thy Sion be forgot,Where once thy glory stood. Lift up thy feet and march in haste,Aloud our ruin […]

Psalm 78:4. 32 etc. Fourth PartBacksliding and forgiveness; or,Sin punished, and saints saved. Great God, how oft did Israel proveBy turns thine anger and thy love!There in a glass our hearts may seeHow fickle and how false they be. How soon the faithless Jews forgotThe dreadful wonders God had wrought!Then they provoke him to his […]

The punishment of luxury and intemperance;or, Chastisement and salvation. When Israel Sins, The Lord Reproves,And fills their hearts with dread;Yet he forgives the men he loves,And sends them heavenly bread. He fed them with a liberal hand,And made his treasures known;He gave the midnight clouds commandTo pour provision down. The manna, like a morning shower,Lay […]

Israel’s rebellion and punishment; or, Thesins and chastisements of God’s people. What a stiff rebellious houseWas Jacob’s ancient race!False to their own most solemn vows,And to their Maker’s grace. They broke the covenant of his love,And did his laws despise,Forgot the works he wrought to proveHis power before their eyes. They saw the plagues on […]

Providence of God recorded; or, Piouseducation and instruction of children. Let children hear the mighty deeds,Which God perform’d of old,Which in our younger years we saw,And which our fathers told. He bids us make his glories known,His works of power and grace;And we’ll convey his wonders downThro’ every rising race. Our lips shall tell them […]

Comfort derived from ancient providences; or,Israel delivered from Egypt, and brought to Canaan. “How awful is thy chastening rod!”(May thine own children say)“The great, the wise, the dreadful God!“How holy is his way!” I’ll meditate his works of old;The King that reigns above;I’ll hear his ancient wonders told,And learn to trust his love. Long did […]

Psalm 84:2. Second Part. L. M.God and his church; or, Grace and glory. Great God, attend, while Sion singsThe joy that from thy presence springsTo spend one day with thee on earthExceeds a thousand days of mirth. Might I enjoy the meanest placeWithin thine house, O God of grace,Not tents of ease, nor thrones of […]

Psalm 84:1. First Part. L. M.The pleasure of public worship. How pleasant, how divinely fair,O Lord of hosts, thy dwellings are!With long desire my spirit faintsTo meet th’ assemblies of thy saints. My flesh would rest in thine abode,My panting heart cries out for God;My God! my King! why should I beSo far from all […]

A complaint against persecutors. And will the God of gracePerpetual silence keep?The God of justice hold his peace,And let his vengeance sleep? Behold what cursed snaresThe men of mischief spread;The men that hate thy saints and theeLift up their threatening head. Against thy hidden onesTheir counsels they employ,And malice with her watchful eye,Pursues them to […]

God the supreme Governor;or, Magistrates warned. Among th’ assemblies of the great,A greater Ruler takes his seat;The God of heaven, as Judge, surveysThose gods on earth and all their ways. Why will ye then frame wicked laws?Or why support th’ unrighteous cause?When will ye once defend the poor,That sinners vex the saints no more? They […]

Psalm 81. 1 8 16The warnings of God to his people; or,Spiritual blessings and punishments. Sing to the Lord aloud,And make a joyful noise;God is our strength, our Saviour God;Let Israel hear his voice. “From vile idolatry“Preserve my worship clean;“I am the Lord who set thee free“From slavery and sin. “Stretch thy desires abroad,“And I’ll […]

The church’s prayer under affliction;or, The vineyard of God wasted. Great Shepherd of thine Israel,Who didst between the cherubs dwell,And led the tribes, thy chosen sheep,Safe thro’ the desert and the deep. Thy church is in the desert now,Shine from on high and guide us thro’;Turn us to thee, thy love restore,We shall be sav’d, […]

Psalm 85:2. 9 etc. Second PartSalvation by Christ. Salvation is for ever nighThe souls that fear and trust the Lord;And grace descending from on high,Fresh hopes of glory shall afford. Mercy and truth on earth are met,Since Christ the Lord came down from heaven;By his obedience, so complete,Justice is pleas’d, and peace is given. Now […]

Psalm 85:1. 1-8. First PartWaiting for an answer to prayer; or,Deliverance begun and completed. Lord, thou hast call’d thy grace to mind,Thou hast revers’d our heavy doom:So God forgave when Israel sinn’d,And brought his wandering captives home. Thou hast begun to set us free,And made thy fiercest wrath abate;Now let our hearts be turn’d to […]

Longing for the house of God. Lord of the worlds above,How pleasant and how fairThe dwellings of thy love,Thy earthly temples are!To thine abodeMy heart aspires,With warm desiresTo see my God. The sparrow, for her young,With pleasure seeks her nest;And wandering swallows longTo find their wonted rest:My spirit faintsWith equal zealTo rise and dwellAmong thy […]

Psalm 84:3. 14 2 3 10. Paraphrased. C. M.Delight in ordinances of worship;or, God present in his churches. My soul, how lovely is the placeTo which thy God resorts!‘Tis heaven to see his smiling face,Tho’ in his earthly courts. There the great Monarch of the skiesHis saving power displays,And light breaks in upon our eyesWith […]

Psalm 89:3. 7 etc. Second PartThe power and majesty of God;or, Reverential worship. With reverence let the saints appearAnd bow before the Lord,His high commands with reverence hear,And tremble at his word. How terrible thy glories be!How bright thine armies shine!Where is the power that vies with thee?Or truth compar’d to thine? The northern pole […]

Psalm 89:2. First Part. C. M.The faithfulness of God. My never-ceasing songs shall showThe mercies of the Lord,And make succeeding ages knowHow faithful is his word. The sacred truths his lips pronounceShall firm as heaven endure;And if he speak a promise once,Th’ eternal grace is sure. How long the race of David heldThe promis’d Jewish […]

Psalm 89:1. First Part. L. M.The covenant made with Christ; or, the true David. For ever shall my song recordThe truth and mercy of the Lord;Mercy and truth for ever stand,Like heaven, establish’d by his hand. Thus to his Son he sware, and said,“With thee my covenant first is made;“In thee shall dying sinners live,“Glory […]