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473 Works of Isaac Watts

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Psalm 69:5. 7 etc. Second Part. L. M.Christ’s sufferings and zeal. ‘Twas for thy sake, eternal God,Thy son sustain’d that heavy loadOf base reproach and sore disgrace,And shame defil’d his sacred face. The Jews, his brethren and his kin,Abus’d the man that check’d their sin:While he fulfill’d thy holy laws,They hate him, but without a […]

Psalm 51:5. 14-17. Second Part. C. M.Repentance and faith in the blood of Christ. O God of mercy! hear my call,My loads of guilt remove;Break down this separating wallThat bars me from thy love. Give me the presence of thy grace,Then my rejoicing tongueShall speak aloud thy righteousness,And make thy praise my song. No blood […]

Deliverance from oppression and falsehood; or,God’s care of his people, in answer to faith and prayer. Thou, whose justice reigns on high,And makes th’ oppressor cease,Behold how envious sinners tryTo vex and break my peace! The Sons of violence and liesJoin to devour me, Lord;But as my hourly dangers rise,My refuge is thy word. In […]

Psalm 55:2. 15-17 19 22. S. M.Dangerous prosperity; or,Daily devotions encouraged. Let sinners take their course,And choose the road to death;But in the worship of my GodI’ll spend my daily breath. My thoughts address his throneWhen morning brings the light;I seek his blessing every noon,And pay my vows at night. Thou wilt regard my cries,O […]

Psalm 55:1. 1-8 16-18 22. C. M.Support for the afflicted and tempted soul. O God, my refuge, hear my cries,Behold my flowing tears,For earth and hell my hurt devise,And triumph in my fears. Their rage is levell’d at my life,My soul with guilt they load,And fill my thoughts with inward strifeTo shake my hope in […]

Psalm 62. 5-12No trust in the creatures; or,Faith in divine grace and power. My spirit looks to God alone;My rock and refuge is his throne;In all my fears, in all my straits,My soul on his salvation waits. 2 Trust him, ye saints, in all your ways,Pour out your hearts before his face:When helpers fail, and […]

Psalm 61. 1-6Safety in God. When overwhelm’d with griefMy heart within me dies,Helpless and far from all reliefTo heaven I lift mine eyes. O lead me to the rockThat’s high above my head,And make the covert of thy wingsMy shelter and my shade. Within thy presence, Lord,For ever I’ll abide;Thou art the tower of my […]

Psalm 60. 1-5 10-12On a day of humiliation for disappointments in war. Lord, hast thou cast the nation off?Must we for ever mourn?Wilt thou indulge immortal wrath?Shall mercy ne’er return? The terror of one frown of thineMelts all our strength away;Like men that totter drunk with wine,We tremble in dismay. Great Britain shakes beneath thy […]

Warning to magistrates. Judges, who rule the world by laws,Will ye despise the righteous cause,When th’ injur’d poor before you stands?Dare ye condemn the righteous poor,And let rich sinners ‘scape secure,While gold and greatness bribe your hands? Have ye forgot, or never knew,That God will judge the judges too?High in the heavens his justice reigns?Yet […]

Praise for protection, grace, and truth. My God, in whom are all the springsOf boundless love and grace unknown,Hide me beneath thy spreading wingsTill the dark cloud is overblown. Up to the heavens I send my cry,The Lord will my desires perform;He sends his angel from the sky,And saves me from the threatening storm. Be […]

Psalm 63:3. L. M.Longing after God; or, Thelove of God better than life. Great God, indulge my humble claimThou art my hope, my joy, my rest;The glories that compose thy NameStand all engag’d to make me blest. Thou great and good, thou just and wise,Thou art my Father and my God;And I am thine by […]

Psalm 63:2. 6-10. Second PartMidnight thoughts recollected. ‘Twas in the watches of the nightI thought upon thy power,I kept thy lovely face in sightAmidst the darkest hour. My flesh lay resting on my bed,My soul arose on high;“My God, my life, my hope,” I said,“Bring thy salvation nigh.” My spirit labours up thine hill,And climbs […]

Psalm 63:1. 1 2 5 34. First Part. C. M.The morning of a Lord’s day. Early, my God, without delayI haste to seek thy face;My thirsty spirit faints away,Without thy cheering grace. So pilgrims on the scorching sand,Beneath a burning sky,Long for a cooling stream at hand,And they must drink or die. I’ve seen thy […]

Psalm 65:3. First Part. C. M.A prayer-hearing God, and the Gentiles called. Praise waits in Sion, Lord, for thee;There shall our vows be paid:Thou hast an ear when sinners pray,All flesh shall seek thine aid. Lord, our iniquities prevail,But pardoning grace is thine,And thou wilt grant us power and skillTo conquer every sin. Bless’d are […]

Psalm 65:2. 5-13. Second Part. L. M.Divine providence in air, earth, and sea;or, The God of nature and grace. The God of our salvation hearsThe groans of Sion mix’d with tears;Yet when he comes with kind designs,Thro’ all the way his terror shines. On him the race of man depends,Far as the earth’s remotest ends,Where […]

Psalm 65:1. 1-5. First Part. L. M.Public prayer and praise. The praise of Sion waits for thee,My God; and praise becomes thy house;There shall thy saints thy glory see,And there perform their public vows. O thou, whose mercy bends the skiesTo save when humble sinners pray,All lands to thee shall lift their eyesAnd islands of […]

Psalm 63:4. S. M.Seeking God. My God, permit my tongueThis joy, to call thee mine,And let my early cries prevailTo taste thy love divine. My thirsty fainting soulThy mercy doth implore;Not travellers in desert landsCan pant for water more. Within thy churches, Lord,I long to find my place,Thy power and glory to behold,And feel thy […]

Governing power and goodness;or, Our graces tried by afflictions. Sing, all ye nations, to the Lord,Sing with a joyful noise;With melody of sound recordHis honours, and your joys. Say to the power that shakes the sky,“How terrible art thou!“Sinners before thy presence fly,“Or at thy feet they bow.” [Come, see the wonders of our God,How […]

Psalm 65:5. Third Part. C. M.The blessing: of the spring; or, God givesrain. A psalm for the husbandman. Good is the Lord, the heavenly King,Who makes the earth his care,Visits the pastures every spring,And bids the grass appear. The clouds, like rivers rais’d on high,Pour out, at thy command,Their watery blessings from the sky,To cheer […]

Psalm 65:4. Second Part. C. M.The providence of God in air, earth,and sea; or, The blessing of rain. ‘Tis by thy strength the mountains stand,God of eternal power;The sea grows calm at thy command,And tempests cease to roar. Thy morning light and evening shadeSuccessive comforts bring;Thy plenteous fruits make harvest glad,Thy flowers adorn the spring. […]