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473 Works of Isaac Watts

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Psalm 45:2. C. M.The personal glories and government of Christ. I’ll speak the honours of my King,His form divinely fair;None of the sons of mortal raceMay with the Lord compare. Sweet is thy speech and heavenly graceUpon thy lips is shed;Thy God, with blessings infinite,Hath crown’d thy sacred head. Gird on thy sword, victorious Prince,Ride […]

God fights for his church. Let Sion in her King rejoice,Tho’ tyrants rage and kingdoms rise;He utters his almighty voice,The nations melt, the tumult dies. The Lord of old for Jacob fought,And Jacob’s God is still our aid;Behold the works his hand has wrought,What desolations he has made! From sea to sea, thro’ all the […]

The church’s safety and triumphamong national desolations. God is the refuge of his saints,When storms of sharp distress invade;Ere we can offer our complaintsBehold him present with his aid. Let mountains from their seats be hurl’dDown to the deep, and buried there;Convulsions shake the solid world,Our faith shall never yield to fear. Loud may the […]

Psalm 49:1. 8-14. First Part. C. M.Pride and death; or, The vanity of life and riches. Why doth the man of riches growTo insolence and pride,To see his wealth and honours flowWith every rising tide? [Why doth he treat the poor with scorn,Made of the self-same clay,And boast as tho’ his flesh was bornOf better […]

Psalm 48:2. 10-14. Second PartThe beauty of the church; or,Gospel worship and order. Far as thy name is knownThe world declares thy praise;Thy saints, O Lord, before thy throneTheir songs of honour raise. With joy let Judah standOn Sion’s chosen hill,Proclaim the wonders of thy hand,And counsels of thy will. Let strangers walk aroundThe city […]

Psalm 48:1. 1-8. First PartThe church is the honour and safety of a nation. [Great is the Lord our God,And let his praise be great;He makes his churches his abode,His most delightful seat. These temples of his grace,How beautiful they stand!The honours of our native place,And bulwarks of our land.] In Sion God is knownA […]

Christ ascending and reigning. O for a shout of sacred joyTo God the sovereign King!Let every land their tongues employ,And hymns of triumph sing. Jesus our God ascends on high,His heavenly guards aroundAttend him rising thro’ the sky,With trumpet’s joyful sound. While angels shout and praise their King,Let mortals learn their strains;Let all the earth […]

Psalm 50:1. 1-6. First Part. C. M.The last judgment; or, The saints rewarded. The Lord, the Judge, before his throne,Bids the whole earth draw nigh,The nations near the rising sun,And near the western sky. No more shall bold blasphemers say,“Judgment will ne’er begin,”No more abuse his long delayTo impudence and sin. Thron’d on a cloud […]

Psalm 49:3. L. M.The rich sinner’s death, and the saint’s resurrection. Why do the proud insult the poor,And boast the large estates they have?How vain are riches to secureTheir haughty owners from the grave! They can’t redeem one hour from death,With all the wealth in which they trust;Nor give a dying brother breath,When God commands […]

Psalm 49:2. 14 15. Second Part. C. M.Death and the resurrection. Ye sons of pride, that hate the just,And trample on the poor,When death has brought you down to dust,Your pomp shall rise no more, The last great day shall change the scene;When will that hour appear?When shall the just revive, and reignO’er all that […]

Psalm 50:4. L. M.Hypocrisy exposed. The Lord, the Judge, his churches warns,Let hypocrites attend and fear,Who place their hope in rites and forms,But make not faith nor love their care. Vile wretches dare rehearse his nameWith lips of falsehood and deceit;A friend or brother they defame,And soothe and flatter those they hate. They watch to […]

Psalm 50:3. 1 5 8 16 21 22. 3d Part. C. M.The judgement of hypocrites. When Christ to judgment shall descendAnd saints surround their Lord,He calls the nations to attend,And hear his awful word. “Not for the want of bullocks slain“Will I the world reprove;“Altars and rites and forms are vain,“Without the fire of love. […]

Psalm 50:2. 8 10 11 14 15 23Second Part. C. M.Obedience is better than sacrifice. Thus saith the Lord, “the spacious fields“And flocks and herds are mine“O’er all the cattle of the hills“I claim a right divine. “I ask no sheep for sacrifice,“Nor bullocks burnt with fire;“To hope and love, to pray and praise,“Is all […]

Psalm 51:1. First Part. L. M.A penitent pleading for pardon. Shew pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive,Let a repenting rebel live:Are not thy mercies large and free?May not a sinner trust in thee? My crimes are great, but not surpassThe power and glory of thy grace;Great God, thy nature hath no bound,So let thy pardoning love […]

The last judgment. The God of glory sends his summons forth,Calls the south nations, and awakes the north;From east to west the sov’reign orders spread,Thro’ distant worlds, and regions of the dead:The trumpet sounds; hell trembles; heaven rejoices;Lift up your heads, ye saints, with cheerful voices. No more shall atheists mock his long delay;His vengeance […]

Psalm 50:5. to a New TuneThe last judgment. The Lord the Sovereign sends his summons forth,Calls the south nations, and awakes the north;From east to west the sounding orders spreadThro’ distant worlds and regions of the dead:No more shall atheists mock his long delay;His vengeance sleeps no more: behold the day! Behold the Judge descends; […]

Psalm 51:4. 3-13. First Part. C. M.Original and actual sin confessed and pardoned. Lord, I would spread my sore distressAnd guilt before thine eyes;Against thy laws, against thy grace,How high my crimes arise. Shouldst thou condemn my soul to hell,And crush my flesh to dust,Heaven would approve thy vengeance well,And earth must own it just. […]

Psalm 51:3. Third Part. L. M.The backslider restored; or, Repentanceand faith in the blood of Christ. O thou that hear’st when sinners cry,Tho’ all my crimes before thee lie,Behold them not with angry look,But blot their memory from thy book. Create my nature pure within,And form my soul averse to sin;Let thy good Spirit ne’er […]

Psalm 51:2. Second Part. L. M.Original and actual sin confessed. Lord, I am vile, conceiv’d in sin;And born unholy and unclean;Sprung from the man whose guilty fallCorrupts the race, and taints us all. Soon as we draw our infant-breath,The seeds of sin grow up for death;Thy law demands a perfect heart,But we’re defil’d in every […]

Psalm 53. 4-6Victory and deliverance from persecution. Are all the foes of Sion fools,Who thus devour her saints?Do they not know her Saviour rules,And pities her complaints? They shall be seiz’d with sad surprise;For God’s revenging armScatters the bones of them that riseTo do his children harm. In vain the sons of Satan boastOf armies […]