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The Wallaby Brigade
by [?]

You often have been told of regiments brave and bold,
But we are the bravest in the land;
We’re called the Tag-rag Band, and we rally in Queensland,
We are members of the Wallaby Brigade.


Tramp, tramp, tramp across the borders,
The swagmen are rolling up, I see.
When the shearing’s at an end we’ll go fishing in a bend.
Then hurrah! for the Wallaby Brigade.

When you are leaving camp, you must ask some brother tramp
If there are any jobs to be had,
Or what sort of a shop that station is to stop
For a member of the Wallaby Brigade.

Chorus: Tramp, tramp, tramp, etc.

You ask me if they want men, you ask for rations then,
If they don’t stump up a warning should be made;
To teach them better sense-why, “Set fire to their fence”
Is the war cry of the Wallaby Brigade.

Chorus: Tramp, tramp, tramp, etc.

The squatters thought us done when they fenced in all their run,
But a prettier mistake they never made;
You’ve only to sport your dover and knock a monkey over-
There’s cheap mutton for the Wallaby Brigade.

Chorus: Tramp, tramp, tramp, etc.

Now when the shearing’s in our harvest will begin,
Our swags for a spell down will be laid;
But when our cheques are drank we will join the Tag-rag rank,
Limeburners in the Wallaby Brigade.

Chorus: Tramp, tramp, tramp, etc.

To knock a monkey over is to kill a sheep, monkey being
slang for sheep in many parts of the bush.