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Scenes From The Faust Of Goethe
by [?]

I have been tripping this many an hour:
Are the others already so far before? 200
No quiet at home, and no peace abroad!
And less methinks is found by the road.

Come onward, away! aroint thee, aroint!
A witch to be strong must anoint–anoint–
Then every trough will be boat enough; 205
With a rag for a sail we can sweep through the sky,
Who flies not to-night, when means he to fly?

We cling to the skirt, and we strike on the ground;
Witch-legions thicken around and around;
Wizard-swarms cover the heath all over. 210


What thronging, dashing, raging, rustling;
What whispering, babbling, hissing, bustling;
What glimmering, spurting, stinking, burning,
As Heaven and Earth were overturning.
There is a true witch element about us; 215
Take hold on me, or we shall be divided:–
Where are you?

217 What! wanting, 1822.


I must exert my authority in the house.
Place for young Voland! pray make way, good people.
Take hold on me, doctor, an with one step 220
Let us escape from this unpleasant crowd:
They are too mad for people of my sort.
Just there shines a peculiar kind of light–
Something attracts me in those bushes. Come
This way: we shall slip down there in a minute. 225

Spirit of Contradiction! Well, lead on–
‘Twere a wise feat indeed to wander out
Into the Brocken upon May-day night,
And then to isolate oneself in scorn,
Disgusted with the humours of the time. 230

See yonder, round a many-coloured flame
A merry club is huddled altogether:
Even with such little people as sit there
One would not be alone.

Would that I were
Up yonder in the glow and whirling smoke, 235
Where the blind million rush impetuously
To meet the evil ones; there might I solve
Many a riddle that torments me.

Many a riddle there is tied anew
Inextricably. Let the great world rage! 240
We will stay here safe in the quiet dwellings.
‘Tis an old custom. Men have ever built
Their own small world in the great world of all.
I see young witches naked there, and old ones
Wisely attired with greater decency. 245
Be guided now by me, and you shall buy
A pound of pleasure with a dram of trouble.
I hear them tune their instruments–one must
Get used to this damned scraping. Come, I’ll lead you
Among them; and what there you do and see, 250
As a fresh compact ‘twixt us two shall be.
How say you now? this space is wide enough–
Look forth, you cannot see the end of it–
An hundred bonfires burn in rows, and they
Who throng around them seem innumerable: 255
Dancing and drinking, jabbering, making love,
And cooking, are at work. Now tell me, friend,
What is there better in the world than this?

254 An 1824; A editions 1839.