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Psalm 93:3 The Lord Jehovah Reigns]
by [?]

Psalm 93:3. 3d M. As the Old 122d Psalm
The same.

The Lord Jehovah reigns
And royal state maintains,
His head with awful glories crown’d;
Array’d in robes of light,
Begirt with sovereign might,
And rays of majesty around.

Upheld by thy commands
The world securely stands;
And skies and stars obey thy word:
Thy throne was fix’d on high
Before the starry sky;
Eternal is thy kingdom, Lord.

In vain the noisy crowd,
Like billows fierce and loud,
Against thine empire rage and roar;
In vain, with angry spite,
The surly nations fight,
And dash like waves against the shore.

Let floods and nations rage,
And all their powers engage,
Let swelling tides assault the sky;
The terrors of thy frown
Shall beat their madness down;
Thy throne for ever stands on high.

Thy promises are true,
Thy grace is ever new;
There fix’d thy church shall ne’er remove:
Thy saints with holy fear
Shall in thy courts appear,
And sing thine everlasting love.

Repeat the fourth stanza to complete the old tune.