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Psalm 40:2 Second Part [Thus Saith The Lord]
by [?]

Psalm 40:2. 6-9. Second Part. C. M.
The incarnation and sacrifice of Christ.

Thus saith the Lord,
“Your work is vain,
“Give your burnt offerings o’er,
“In dying goats and bullocks slain
“My soul delights no more.”

Then spake the Saviour, “Lo, I’m here,
“My God, to do thy will;
“‘Whate’er thy sacred books declare,
“Thy servant shall fulfil.

“Thy law is ever in my sight,
“I keep it near my heart;
“Mine ears are open’d with delight
“To what thy lips impart.”

And see the bless’d Redeemer comes,
Th’ eternal Son appears,
And at th’ appointed time assumes
The body God prepares.

Much he reveal’d his Father’s grace,
And much his truth he shew’d,
And preach’d the way of righteousness,
Where great assemblies stood.

His Father’s honour touch’d his heart,
He pity’d sinners’ cries,
And, to fulfil a Saviour’s part,
Was made a sacrifice,


No blood of beasts on altars shed
Could wash the conscience clean,
But the rich sacrifice he paid
Atones for all our sin.

Then was the great salvation spread,
And Satan’s kingdom shook;
Thus by the woman’s promis’d seed
The serpent’s head was broke.