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Psalm 39:1 [Thus I Resolv’d Before The Lord]
by [?]

Psalm 39:1. 1 2 3. First Part
Watchfulness over the tongue;
or, Prudence and zeal.

Thus I resolv’d before the Lord,
“Now will I watch my tongue,
“Lest I let slip one sinful word,
“Or do my neighbour wrong.”

And if I’m e’er constrain’d to stay
With men of lives profane
I’ll set a double guard that day,
Nor let my talk be vain.

I’ll scarce allow my lips to speak
The pious thoughts I feel,
Lest scoffers should th’ occasion take
To mock my holy zeal.

Yet if some proper hour appear,
I’ll not be overaw’d,
But let the scoffing sinners hear
That I can speak for God.