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Hymn 2:147 [Now let a spacious world arise]
by [?]

The creation of the world, Gen. 1.

“Now let a spacious world arise,”
Said the Creator-Lord:
At once the obedient earth and skies
Rose at his sovereign word.

[Dark was the deep; the waters lay
Confus’d and drown’d the land:
He call’d the light; the new-born day
Attends on his command.

He bids the clouds ascend on high;
The clouds ascend and bear
A watery treasure to the sky,
And float on softer air.

The liquid element below
Was gather’d by his hand;
The rolling seas together flow,
And leave the solid land.

With herbs and plants, a flowery birth,
The naked globe he crown’d,
Ere there was rain to bless the earth,
Or sun to warm the ground.

Then he adorn’d the upper skies;
Behold the sun appears,
The moon and stars in order rise
To make our months and years,

Out of the deep th’ almighty King
Did vital beings frame;
The painted fowls of every wing,
And fish of every name.]

He gave the lion and the worm
At once their wondrous birth;
And grazing beasts of various form,
Rose from the teeming earth.

Adam was fram’d of equal clay,
Tho’ sovereign of the rest,
Design’d for nobler ends than they,
With God’s own image bless’d.

Thus glorious in the Maker’s eye
The young creation stood;
He saw the building from on high,
His word pronounc’d it good.

Lord, while the frame of nature stands,
Thy praise shall fill my tongue;
But the new world of grace demands
A more exalted song.