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Hymn 2:124 [‘Tis Not The Law Of Ten Commands]
by [?]

Moses, Aaron, and Joshua.

‘Tis not the law of ten commands
On holy Sinai given,
Or sent to men by Moses’ hands,
Can bring us safe to heaven.

‘Tis not the blood which Aaron spilt,
Nor smoke of sweetest smell,
Can buy a pardon for our guilt,
Or save our souls from hell.

Aaron the priest resigns his breath
At God’s immediate will;
And in the desert yields to death
Upon th’ appointed hill.

And thus on Jordan’s yonder side
The tribes of Israel stand,
While Moses bow’d his head and dy’d
Short of the promis’d land.

Israel rejoice, now Joshua * leads,
He’ll bring your tribes to rest;
So far the Saviour’s name exceeds
The ruler and the priest.

* Joshua, the same with Jesus,
and signifies a Saviour.