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Good-By Er Howdy-Do
by [?]

Say good-by er howdy-do–
What’s the odds betwixt the two?
Comin’–goin’, ev’ry day–
Best friends first to go away–
Grasp of hands you’d ruther hold
Than their weight in solid gold
Slips their grip while greetin’ you.–
Say good-by er howdy-do!

Howdy-do, and then, good-by–
Mixes jes’ like laugh and cry;
Deaths and births, and worst and best,
Tangled their contrariest;
Ev’ry jinglin’ weddin’-bell
Skeerin’ up some funer’l knell.–
Here’s my song, and there’s your sigh.–
Howdy-do, and then, good-by!

Say good-by er howdy-do–
Jes’ the same to me and you;
‘Taint worth while to make no fuss,
‘Cause the job’s put up on us!
Some One’s runnin’ this concern
That’s got nothin’ else to learn:
Ef He’s willin’, we’ll pull through–
Say good-by er howdy-do!