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473 Works of Isaac Watts

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Let dogs delight to bark and bite,For God has made them so;Let bears and lyons growl and fight,For `tis their nature too. But, children, you should never letSuch angry passions rise;Your little hands were never madeTo tear each other’s eyes. Let love thro’ all your actions run,And all your words be mild;Live like the blessed […]

Let children that would fear the LordHear what their teachers say;With reverence meet their parents’ word,And with delight obey. Have you not heard what dreadful plaguesAre threaten’d by the Lord,To him that breaks his father’s law,Or mocks his mother’s word? What heavy guilt upon him lies!How cursed is his name!The ravens shall pick out his […]

Why should our garments, made to hideOur parents’ shame, provoke our pride?The art of dress did ne’er beginTill Eve our mother learnt to sin. When first she put the covering on,Her robe of innocence was gone;And yet her children vainly boastIn the sad marks of glory lost. How proud we are! how fond to shewOur […]

Why should I join with those in playIn whom I’ve no delight;Who curse and swear, but never play;Who call ill names, and fight? I hate to hear a wanton song:Their words offend my ears:I should not dare defile my tongueWith language such as theirs. Away from fools I’ll turn my eyes,Nor with the scoffers go:I […]

How doth the little busy beeImprove each shining hour,And gather honey all the dayFrom every opening flower! How skilfully she builds her cell!How neat she spreads the wax!And labours hard to store it wellWith the sweet food she makes. In works of labour or of skillI would be busy too:For Satan finds some mischief stillFor […]

A Morning Song

Story type: Poetry

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My God, who makes the sun to knowHis proper hour to rise;And, to give light to all below,Doth send him round the skies: When from the chambers of the eastHis morning race begins,He never tires, nor stops to rest,But round the world he shines. So, like the sun, would I fulfilThe business of the day;Begin […]

Why should I love my sports so well,So constant at my play,And lose the thoughts of heaven and hell,And then forget to pray? What do I read my Bible for,But, Lord, to learn thy will?And shall I daily know thee more,And less obey thee still? How senseless is my heart, and wild!How vain are all […]

Exodus. Chapter 20. 1. Thou shalt have no more Gods but me.2. Before no idol bow thy knee.3. Take not the Name of God in vain:4. Nor dare the Sabbath Day profane.5. Give both thy parents honour due.6. Take heed that thou no murder do.7. Abstain from words and deeds unclean:8. Nor steal, though thou […]

Lord, how delightful `tis to seeA whole assembly worship thee!At once they sing, at once they pray;They hear of heaven, and learn the way. I have been there, and still would go‘Tis like a little heaven below!Not all my pleasure and my playShould tempt me to forget this day. O write upon my memory, Lord,The […]

1 This is the day when Christ aroseSo early from the dead:Why should I my eyelids close,And waste my hours in bed? This is the day when Jesus brokeThe powers of death and hell;And shall I still wear Satan’s yoke,And love my sins so well? To-day, with pleasure, Christians meet,To pray, and hear thy Word;And […]

Long Metre. Hosanna to king David’s Son,Who reigns on a superior Throne;We bless the Prince of Heav’nly Birth,Who brings Salvation down to Earth. Let every nation, every age,In this delightful work engage;Old Men and Babes in Sion singThe growing glories of her King! Common Metre. Hosanna to the Prince of Grace;Sion behold thy King;Proclaim the […]

Love God with all your Soul and Strength.With all your Heart and Mind;And love your Neighbour as your self:Be faithful, just, and kind. Deal with another as you’d haveAnother deal with you.What you’re unwilling to receive,Be sure you never do.

Matt. 7. 12. Be you to others Kind and True,As you’d have others be to you.And neither do nor say to MenWhate’er you would not take again.

Matt. 22. 37. With all thy Soul love God above;And as thyself thy Neighbour love.

Innocent Play

Story type: Poetry

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Abroad in the meadows to see the young lambs,Run sporting about by the side of their damsWith fleeces so clean, and so white;Or a nest of young doves in a large open cage,When they play all in love without anger or rage,How much may we learn from the sight! If we had been ducks, we […]

How fine has the day been! how bright was the sun!How lovely and joyful the course that he run;Though he rose in a mist when his race he begun,And there followed some droppings of rain:But now the fair traveller’s come to the west,His rays are all gold, and his beauties are best;He paints the skies […]

Good Resolutions

Story type: Poetry

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Though I’m now in younger days,Nor can tell what shall befall me,I’ll prepare for every placeWhere my growing age shall call me. Should I e’er be rich or great,Others shall partake my goodness:I’ll supply the poor with meat,Never showing scorn or rudeness. Where I see the blind or lame,Deaf or dumb, I’ll kindly treat them:I […]

The Ant, or Emmet

Story type: Poetry

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These Emmets, how little they are in our eyes!We tread them to dust, and a troop of them dies,Without our regard or concern:Yet, as wise as we are, if we went to their school,There’s many a sluggard and many a foolSome lessons of wisdom might learn. They wear not their time out in sleeping or […]

The difference between the righteous and the wicked. Happy the man whose cautious feetShun the broad way that sinners go,Who hates the place where atheists meet,And fears to talk as scoffers do. He loves t’ employ his morning lightAmongst the statutes of the Lord:And spends the wakeful hours at night,With pleasure pondering o’er the word. […]

The saint happy, the sinner miserable. The man is ever blestWho shuns the sinner’s ways,Among their counsels never stands,Nor takes the scorner’s place; But makes the Law of GodHis study and delight,Amidst the labours of the day,And watches of the night. He like a tree shall thrive,With waters near the root:Fresh as the leaf his […]