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473 Works of Isaac Watts

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Psalm 19:3. L. M.The books of nature and of scripture compared;or, The glory and success of the gospel. The heavens declare thy glory, Lord,In every star thy wisdom shines;But when our eyes behold thy wordWe read thy name in fairer lines. The rolling sun, the changing light,And nights and days thy power confess;But the blest […]

Psalm 19:2. Second Part. S. M.God’s word most excellent; or,Sincerity and watchfulness. For a Lord’s-day morning. Behold the morning sunBegins his glorious way;His beams thro’ all the nations run,And life and light convey. But where the gospel comes,It spreads diviner light,It calls dead sinners from their tombs,And gives the blind their sight. How perfect is […]

Psalm 19:1. First Part. S. M.The book of nature and scripture. For a Lord’s-day morning. Behold the lofty skyDeclares its maker God,And all his starry works on highProclaim his power abroad. The darkness and the lightStill keep their course the same;While night to day, and day to nightDivinely teach his name. In every different landTheir […]

Psalm 21:1. C. M.Our king is the care of heaven. The king, O Lord, with songs of praise,Shall in thy strength rejoice;And, blest with thy salvation, raiseTo heaven his cheerful voice. Thy sure defence, thro’ nations round,Has spread his glorious name;And his successful actions crown’dWith majesty and fame. Then let the king on God aloneFor […]

Prayer and hope of victory.For a day of prayer in time of war. Now may the God of power and graceAttend his people’s humble cry!Jehovah hears when Israel prays,And brings deliverance from on high. The name of Jacob’s God defendsBetter than shields or brazen walls;He from his sanctuary sendsSuccour and strength, when Zion calls. Well […]

To the tune of the 113th Psalm.The book of nature and scripture. Great God, the heaven’s well-order’d frameDeclares the glories of thy name;There thy rich works of wonder shine:A thousand starry beauties there,A thousand radiant marks appearOf boundless power and skill divine. From night to day, from day to night,The dawning and the dying lightLectures […]

Psalm 22:3. L. M.Christ’s sufferings and exaltation. Now let our mournful songs recordThe dying sorrows of our Lord;When he complain’d in tears and bloodAs one forsaken of his God. The Jews beheld him thus forlorn,And shake their heads, and laugh in scorn;“He rescu’d others from the grave,“Now let him try himself to save. “This is […]

Psalm 22:2. 20 21 27-31. 2d Part. C. M.Christ’s sufferings and kingdom. “Now from the roaring lion’s rage,“O Lord, protect thy Son;“Nor leave thy darling to engage,“The powers of hell alone.” Thus did our suffering Saviour pray,With mighty cries and tears;God heard him in that dreadful day,And chas’d away his fears. Great was the victory […]

Psalm 22:1. 1-16. First Part. C. M.The sufferings and death of Christ. “Why has my God my soul forsook,“Nor will a smile afford?”(Thus David once in anguish spoke,And thus our dying Lord.) Tho’ ’tis thy chief delight to dwellAmong thy praising saints,Yet thou canst hear a groan as well,And pity our complaints. Our fathers trusted […]

Psalm 21:2. 1-9. L. M.Christ exalted to the kingdom. David rejoic’d in God his strength,Rais’d to the throne by special grace;But Christ, the Son, appears at length,Fulfils the triumph and the praise. How great is the Messiah’s joyIn the salvation of thy hand!Lord, thou hast rais’d his kingdom high,And given the world to his command. […]

Psalm 24:1. C. M.Dwelling with God. The earth for ever is the Lord’s,With Adam’s numerous race;He rais’d its arches o’er the floods,And built it on the seas. But who among the sons of menMay visit thine abode?He that has hands from mischief clean,Whose heart is right with God. This is the man may rise, and […]

Psalm 23:3. S. M.The same. The Lord my shepherd is,I shall be well supply’d;Since he is mine, and I am his,What can I want beside? He leads me to the placeWhere heavenly pasture grows,Where living waters gently pass,And full salvation flows. If e’er I go astray,He doth my soul reclaim,And guides me in his own […]

Psalm 23:2. C. M.The same. My Shepherd will supply my need,Jehovah is his name;In pastures fresh he makes me feedBeside the living stream. He brings my wandering spirit back,When I forsake his ways;And leads me for his mercy’s sake,In paths of truth and grace. When I walk thro’ the shades of death,Thy presence is my […]

Psalm 23:1. L. M.God our Shepherd. My shepherd is the living Lord;Now shall my wants be well supply’dHis providence and holy wordBecome my safety and my guide. In pastures where salvation growsHe makes me feed, he makes me rest;There living water gently flows,And all the food’s divinely blest. My wandering feet his ways mistake,But he […]

Psalm 25:2. 12 14 10 13. Second PartDivine instruction. Where shall the man be foundThat fears t’ offend his God,That loves the gospel’s joyful sound,And trembles at the rod? The Lord shall make him knowThe secrets of his heart,The wonders of his covenant show,And all his love impart. The dealings of his handAre truth and […]

Psalm 25:1. 1-11. First PartWaiting for pardon and direction. I Lift my soul to God,My trust is in his name;Let not my foes that seek my bloodStill triumph in my shame. Sin and the powers of hellPersuade me to despair;Lord, make me know thy covenant well,That I may ‘scape the snare. From the first dawning […]

Psalm 24:2. L. M.Saints dwell in heaven; or, Christ’s ascension. This spacious earth is all the Lord’s,And men, and worms, and beasts, and birds:He rais’d the building on the seas,And gave it for their dwelling-place. But there’s a brighter world on high,Thy palace, Lord, above the sky:Who shall ascend that blest abode,And dwell so near […]

Psalm 27:2. 8 9 13 14. Second PartPrayer and Hope. Soon as I heard my Father say,“Ye children, seek my grace;”My heart reply’d without delay,“I’ll seek my Father’s face.” Let not thy face be hid from me,Nor frown my soul away;God of my life, I fly to theeIn a distressing day. Should friends and kindred […]

Psalm 27:1. 1-6. First PartThe church is our delight and safety. The Lord of glory is my light,And my salvation too;God is my strength, nor will I fearWhat all my foes can do. One privilege my heart desires;O grant me an abodeAmong the churches of thy saints,The temples of my God! There shall I offer […]

Self-examination; or, Evidences of grace. Judge me, O Lord, and prove my ways,And try my reins, and try my heart;My faith upon thy promise stays,Nor from thy law my feet depart. I hate to walk, I hate to sit,With men of vanity and lies;The scoffer and the hypocriteAre the abhorrence of mine eyes. Amongst thy […]