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105 Works of Arthur Brisbane

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If you will read Drummond’s beautiful work “The Ascent of Man,” you will learn that we owe to children the good that is in us. It is the child that educates the father and mother. If you are a solemn bachelor, gradually drying up in your selfish life, try having a baby around for a […]

The authorities of New York City, at this writing, have two babies to give away. A few days since there were about two hundred babies in the city foundling asylum to be had for the asking. Of all these little ones there remain but two whom nobody seems to want. These two forlorn little things […]

You have perhaps read that Mrs. Isabelle Bailey, of Palmyra, N.J., was cruelly tortured by three little girls. The unfortunate woman was eighty-five years old, paralyzed, and confined to her bed. The three children, two of them eight and one eleven years old, tormented the poor woman in a brutal manner, of which details shall […]

The most acute suffering is that produced by FEAR, and those who suffer most acutely from fear are YOUNG children. Who does not remember the intense agony in youth based upon the superstitious teachings of some foolish older person? And how many children are made miserable through the hideous fear that comes from threats and […]

Sermons in stones are familiar, but few take the trouble to dig them out. Certainly none looks for sermons in a one-cent evening newspaper. At the same time, will you kindly think over and answer the question that heads this column? Here we are, marooned for a few days on a flying ball of earth. […]