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The Triumph Of Woman
by [?]

He ceas’d, and silent still remain’d the throng
Whilst rapt attention own’d the power of song.
Then loud as when the wintry whirlwinds blow
From ev’ry voice the thundering plaudits flow;
Darius smil’d, Apame’s sparkling eyes
Glanc’d on the King, and Woman won the prize.

Now silent sat the expectant crowd, alone
The victor Hebrew gaz’d not on the throne;
With deeper hue his cheek distemper’d glows,
With statelier stature, loftier now he rose;
Heavenward he gaz’d, regardless of the throng,
And pour’d with awful voice sublimer song.

Ancient of Days! Eternal Truth! one hymn
One holier strain the Bard shall raise to thee,
Thee Powerful! Thee Benevolent! Thee Just!
Friend! Father! All in All! the Vines rich blood,
The Monarch’s might, and Woman’s conquering charms,–
These shall we praise alone? Oh ye who sit
Beneath your vine, and quaff at evening hour
The healthful bowl, remember him whose dews,
Whose rains, whose sun, matur’d the growing fruit,
Creator and Preserver! Reverence Him,
O thou who from thy throne dispensest life
And death, for He has delegated power.
And thou shalt one day at the throne of God
Render most strict account! O ye who gaze
Enrapt on Beauty’s fascinating form,
Gaze on with love, and loving Beauty, learn
To shun abhorrent all the mental eye
Beholds deform’d and foul; for so shall Love
Climb to the Source of Virtue. God of Truth!
All-Just! All-Mighty! I should ill deserve
Thy noblest gift, the gift divine of song,
If, so content with ear-deep melodies [2]
To please all profitless, I did not pour
Severer strains; of Truth–eternal Truth,
Unchanging Justice, universal Love.
Such strains awake the soul to loftiest thoughts,
Such strains the Blessed Spirits of the Good
Waft, grateful incense, to the Halls of Heaven.

The dying notes still murmur’d on the string,
When from his throne arose the raptur’d King.
About to speak he stood, and wav’d his hand,
And all expectant sat the obedient band.

Then just and gen’rous, thus the Monarch cries,
“Be thine Zorobabel the well earned prize.
“The purple robe of state thy form shall fold,
“The beverage sparkle in thy cup of gold;
“The golden couch, the car, and honor’d chain,
“Requite the merits of thy favor’d strain,
“And rais’d supreme the ennobled race among
“Be call’d MY COUSIN for the victor song.
“Nor these alone the victor song shall bless,
“Ask what thou wilt, and what thou wilt, possess.”
“Fall’n is Jerusalem!” the Hebrew cries.
And patriot anguish fills his streaming eyes,
“Hurl’d to the earth by Rapine’s vengeful rod,
“Polluted lies the temple of our God,
“Far in a foreign land her sons remain,
“Hear the keen taunt, and drag the captive chain:
“In fruitless woe they wear the wearying years,
“And steep the bread of bitterness in tears.
“O Monarch, greatest, mildest, best of men,
“Restore us to those ruin’d walls again!
“Allow our race to rear that sacred dome,
“To live in liberty, and die at Home.”

So spake Zorobabel–thus Woman’s praise
Avail’d again Jerusalem to raise,
Call’d forth the sanction of the Despot’s nod,
And freed the Nation best belov’d of God.

[Footnote 1: text showed “foul” which we think was a long s transferred to the modern edition by mistake.]

[Footnote 2: This expression is from OWEN FELLTHAM.]