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The Spectacles
by [?]

I LATELY vowed to leave the nuns alone,
So oft their freaks have in my page been shown.
The subject may at length fatigue the mind;
My Muse the veil howe’er is still inclined,
Conspicuously to hold to publick view,
And, ‘mong the sisters, scene and scene pursue.
Is this too much?–the nicest tricks they play;
Through soft amours oft artfully they stray,
And these in full I’d readily detail,
If I were sure the subject would not fail;
And that’s impossible I must admit,
‘Twould endless be, the tales appear so fit;
There’s not a clerk so expeditious found,
Who could record the stories known around.
The sisters to forget, were I to try,
Suspicions might arise that, by and by,
I should return: some case might tempt my pen;
So oft I’ve overrun the convent-den,
Like one who always makes, from time to time,
The conversation with his feelings chime.
But let us to an end the subject bring,
And after this, of other matters sing.

IN former times was introduced a lad
Among the nuns, and like a maiden clad;
A charming girl by all he was believed;
Fifteen his age; no doubts were then conceived;
Coletta was the name the youth had brought,
And, till he got a beard, was sister thought.

THE period howsoe’er was well employed,
And from it Agnes profit had enjoyed;
What profit?–truly better had I said,
That sister Agnes by him was misled,
And store of ills received; misfortune dire
Obliged the nun more girdle to require,
And ultimately to produce (in spite
Of ev’ry wish to guard the fact from light)
A little creature that our hist’ries say,
Was found Coletta’s features to display.

GREAT scandal quickly through the convent ran:
How could this child arrive?–the sisters ‘gan
To laugh and ask, if in an evil hour,
The mushroom could have fallen with a show’r?
Or self-created was it not supposed?
Much rage the abbess presently disclosed;
To have her holy mansion thus disgraced!
Forthwith the culprit was in prison placed.

THE father to discover next they tried;
How could he enter, pass, escape, or hide;
The walls were high; the grate was double too;
Quite small the turning-box appeared to view,
And she who managed it was very old:–
Perhaps some youthful spark has been so bold,
Cried she who was superior to the rest,
To get admitted, like a maiden dressed,
And ‘mong our flock (if rightly I surmise)
A wicked wolf is lurking in disguise.
Undress, I say, I’ll verify the fact;
No other way remains for me to act.

THE lad disguised was terrified to death;
Each plan was dissipated with a breath;
The more he thought of means from thence to get,
The greater were the obstacles he met.
At length NECESSITY (the parent found
Of stratagems and wiles, so much renowned,)
Induced the youth . . . (I scarcely can proceed)
To tie . . . expression here I clearly need;
What word will decently express the thought?
What book has got it?–where should it be sought?
You’ve heard, in days of yore that human kind,
With windows in their bosoms were designed,
Through which ’twas easy all within to see,
And suited those of medical degree.

BUT if these windows useful were believed;
‘Twas inconvenient in the heart perceived,
And women thoroughly disliked the scheme:–
They could not find the means to hide a dream.
Dame Nature howsoe’er contrived a plan:–
One lace she gave the woman, one the man,
Of equal length, and each enough no doubt,
By proper care to shut the ope throughout.
The woman much too thick her eyelets placed;
And consequently, ne’er was closely laced;
The fault was all her own: herself the cause;
The man as little merited applause,
For coarsely working, soon the hole was shut,
From which the remnant lace was left to jut;
In fact, on either side, whate’er was done,
The laces never equally would run,
And we are told, both sexes acted wrong:
The woman’s was too short; the man’s too long.