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The Little Dog
by [?]

I, TRULY, for the spaniel was exchanged;
What you’d too much of, freely I arranged,
To grant away, this jewel to obtain
My value ‘s nothing great, you think, ’tis plain;
And, surely, you’d have thought me very wrong,
When such a prize I met, to haggle long.
‘Twas he this palace raised; but I have done;
Remember, since you’ve yet a course to run,
Take care again how you command my death;
In spite of your designs I draw my breath.
Though none but Atis with me had success,
I now desire, he may Lucretia bless,
And wish her to surrender up her charms,
(Just like myself) to his extended arms.
If you approve, our peace at once is made:
If not–while I’ve this dog I’m not afraid,
But you defy: I dread not swords nor bowl;
The little dog can warn me of the whole;
The jealous he confounds; be that no more;
Such folly hence determine to give o’er.
If you, to put restraints on women choose,
You’ll sooner far their fond affections lose.

THE whole our judge conceded;–could he less?
The secret of his recent change of dress
Was promised to be kept: and that unknown,
E’en cuckoldom again might there have flown.

OUR couple mutual compensation made,
Then bade adieu to hill, and dale, and glade.

SOME critick asks the handsome palace’ fate;
I answer:–that, my friend, I shan’t relate;
It disappeared, no matter how nor when.
Why put such questions?–strict is not my pen.
The little dog, pray what of that became?
To serve the lover was his constant aim.

AND how was that?–You’re troublesome my friend:
The dog perhaps would more assistance lend;
On new intrigues his master might be bent;
With single conquest who was e’er content?

THE fav’rite spaniel oft was missing found;
But when the little rogue had gone his round,
He’d then return, as if from work relieved,
To her who first his services received.
His fondness into fervent friendship grew;
As such gay Atis visited anew;
He often came, but Argia was sincere,
And firmly to her vow would now adhere:
Old Anselm too, had sworn, by heav’n above;
No more to be suspicious of his love;
And, if he ever page became again,
To suffer punishment’s severest pain.