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The Danger Of Delay
by [?]

Why should I say, “`Tis yet too soon
“To seek for heaven or think of death?”
A flower may fade before `tis noon,
And I this day may lose my breath.

If this rebellious heart of mine,
Despise the gracious calls of Heaven;
may be hard’ned in my sin,
And never have repentance given.

What if the Lord grow wroth, and swear
While I refuse to read and pray,
That he’ll refuse to lend an ear,
To all my groans another day?

What if his dreadful anger burn,
While I refuse his offer’d grace,
And all his love to fury turn,
And strike me dead upon the place?

‘Tis dangerous to provoke a God;
His power and vengeance none can tell:
One stroke of his almighty rod
Shall send young sinners quick to hell.

Then `twill for ever be in vain
To cry for pardon or for grace,
To wish I had my time again,
Or hope to see my Maker’s face.