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Psalm 77:2 Second Part [How Awful Is Thy Chastening Rod!]
by [?]

Comfort derived from ancient providences; or,
Israel delivered from Egypt, and brought to Canaan.

“How awful is thy chastening rod!”
(May thine own children say)
“The great, the wise, the dreadful God!
“How holy is his way!”

I’ll meditate his works of old;
The King that reigns above;
I’ll hear his ancient wonders told,
And learn to trust his love.

Long did the house of Joseph lie
With Egypt’s yoke opprest:
Long he delay’d to hear their cry,
Nor gave his people rest.

The sons of good old Jacob seem’d
Abandon’d to their foes;
But his almighty arm redeem’d
The nation that he chose.

Israel, his people, and his sheep,
Must follow where he calls;
He bid them venture thro’ the deep,
And made the waves their walls.

The waters saw thee, mighty God!
The waters saw thee come;
Backward they fled, and frighted stood,
To make thine armies room.

Strange was thy journey thro’ the sea,
Thy footsteps, Lord, unknown,
Terrors attend the wondrous way
That brings thy mercies down.

[Thy voice with terror in the sound
Thro’ clouds and darkness broke;
All heaven in lightning shone around,
And earth with thunder shook.

Thine arrows thro’ the skies were hurl’d;
How glorious is the Lord!
Surprise and trembling seiz’d the world,
And his own saints ador’d.

He gave them water from the rock;
And safe by Moses’ hand
Thro’ a dry desert led his flock
Home to the promis’d land.]