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Psalm 139:5 Second Part [When I With Pleasing Wonder Stand]
by [?]

Psalm 139:5. Second Part. C. M.
The wisdom of God in the formation of man.

When I with pleasing wonder stand,
And all my frame survey,
Lord, ’tis thy work; I own thy hand
Thus built my humble clay.

Thy hand my heart and reins possest
Where unborn nature grew,
Thy wisdom all my features trac’d,
And all my members drew.

Thine eye with nicest care survey’d
The growth of every part;
Till the whole scheme thy thoughts had laid
Was copied by thy art.

Heaven, earth, and sea, and fire, and wind,
Shew me thy wondrous skill;
But I review myself, and find
Diviner wonders still.

Thy awful glories round me shine,
My flesh proclaims thy praise;
Lord, to thy works of nature join
Thy miracles of grace.