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Hymn 3:17 [We Sing Th’ Amazing Deeds]
by [?]

Incomparable food; or,
The flesh and blood of Christ.

[We sing th’ amazing deeds
That grace divine performs;
Th’ eternal God comes down and bleeds
To nourish dying worms.

This soul reviving wine,
Dear Saviour, ’tis thy blood;
We thank that sacred flesh of thine
For this immortal food.]

The banquet that we eat
Is made of heavenly things,
Earth hath no dainties half so sweet
As our Redeemer brings.

In vain had Adam sought
And search’d his garden round,
For there was no such blessed fruit
In all the happy ground.

Th’ angelic host above
Can never taste this food,
They feast upon their Maker’s love,
But not a Saviour’s blood.

On us th’ Almighty Lord
Bestows this matchless grace,
And meets us with some cheering word,
With pleasure in his face.

Come, all ye drooping saints,
And banquet with the King,
This wine will drown your sad complaints,
And tune your voice to sing.

Salvation to the Name
Of our adored Christ:
Thro’ the wide earth his grace proclaim
His glory in the high’st.