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Hymn 3:12 [How Rich Are Thy Provisions Lord!]
by [?]

The gospel feast, Luke 14. 16 etc.

[How rich are thy provisions Lord!
Thy table furnish’d from above,
The fruits of life o’erspread the board,
The cup o’erflows with heavenly love.

Thine ancient family the Jews,
Were first invited to the feast;
We humbly take what they refuse,
And Gentiles thy salvation taste.

We are the poor, the blind, the lame,
And help was far, and death was nigh,
But at the gospel call we came
And every want receiv’d supply.

From the highway that leads to hell,
From paths of darkness and despair,
Lord, we are come with thee to dwell,
Glad to enjoy thy presence here.]

[What shall we pay th’ eternal Son,
That left the heaven of his abode,
And to this wretched earth came down
To bring us wanderers back to God?

It cost him death to save our lives,
To buy our souls it cost his own;
And all the unknown joys he gives,
Were bought with agonies unknown.

Our everlasting love is due
To him that ransom’d sinners lost;
And pity’d rebels when he knew
The vast expense his love would cost.]