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Hymn 3:11 [Lord, How Divine Thy Comforts Are]
by [?]

Pardon brought in our senses.

Lord, how divine thy comforts are!
How heavenly is the place
Where Jesus spreads the sacred feast
Of his redeeming grace!

There the rich bounties of our God,
And sweetest glories shine;
There Jesus says, that “I am his,
“And my Beloved’s mine.”

“Here,” (says the kind redeeming Lord,
And shews his wounded side)
“See here the spring of all your joys,
“That open’d when I dy’d.”

[He smiles and cheers my mournful heart
And tells of all his pain,
“All this,” says he, “I bore for thee;”
And then he smiles again.]

What shall we pay our heavenly King
For grace so vast as this?
He brings our pardon to our eyes,
And seals it with a kiss.

[Let such amazing loves as these
Be sounded all abroad,
Such favours are beyond degrees,
And worthy of a God.]

[To him that wash’d us in his blood
Be everlasting praise,
Salvation, honour, glory, power,
Eternal as his days.]