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Hymn 2:130 [Attend While God’s Exalted Son]
by [?]

The new creation.

Attend while God’s exalted Son
Doth his own glories shew;
“Behold I sit upon my throne
Creating all things new.

“Nature and sin are pass’d away,
And the old Adam dies;
“My hands a new foundation lay,
“See the new world arise.

“I’ll be a sun of righteousness
“To the new-heavens I make;
“None but the new-born heirs of grace
“My glories shall partake.”

Mighty Redeemer, set me free
From my old state of sin;
O make my soul alive to thee,
Create new powers within.

Renew mine eyes, and form mine ears,
And mould my heart afresh;
Give me new passions, joys and fears,
And turn the stone to flesh.

Far from the regions of the dead,
From sin, and earth, and hell,
In the new-world that grace has made
I would for ever dwell.