Breitmann In Rome
Boot de wood-nymphs boorst out laughin,
Der Garten-gott dere to,
Und sait – “Oldt Hans! vile you’re apout
Ve nefer can look blue.”
Den Pan blay on his Syrinx,
To de tune of Mary Blane,
“Don’t gry pecause ve’re out of town,
Ve’re coming pack again.
“Von day you got de yolk und vhite,
De next day only shells;
Von day dey holts a council,
Und de next day – ‘someding else!’
Id’s bopes und kings, und gotts and dings,
Oopon dis eartly ball;
Boot for me id’s all von frolic,
Und a high oldt carnival!
“Rise oop, dou Odin-trafeler,
Und toorn dee to de Nort,
Wherefrom, as Bible dells dee,
Crate efil shall come fort.
Dere is mutterins in Ravenna,
Und ere long dere’ll come a turn,
A real hell-bender from de land
Of Dieterich von Bern.
“Und ven der Breitmann’s prototype,
Der Fictoor Manuel,
Cooms tromplin, tromplin troo de fern,
To give dis coontry hell.
Und ven in La Comarca,
Der is shtorm all in de air,
Dy Gotts vill gife dee vork, mein Sohn,
Hans Breitmann shall be dere!”
For a yar will nod be ofer
Pefore de Fräntsch will run,
Und de game at last be ented,
Und Italy pe won.
Und denn in roarin battle,
For hishtory so grand,
Dy banner’ll lead de Uhlan spears,
All in de Frankenland.
“Lucifers.” The first name applied in America to friction matches, and one still used by many people.
Nota bene. – Dis boem was all written in 1869, pefore de wars; und all de dings prophezeit in it coomed to bass. Herein der Herr Breitmann abbears ash a Seher or Prophet so crate as de cratest ash nefer vas. Der crate ardist, Mishter W. W. Story, for whom dis lied vas written, can proof all dis.