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The Two Brothers
by [?]

“Alack and alas! for the want of a nail
The horseshoe is lost; and my good horse will fail
For the want of the shoe; and I shall be late
For want of a steed; and my message must wait
For want of a bearer; and woe is our plight,
For want of the message the king needs must fight!”[1]

cried the elder brother then; and he bowed his head upon his saddle and wept, for where to turn for help he did not know.

The sun had not yet risen and no other traveler was on the road, nor could he see through the dim light of dawn a house or watch-tower where he might ask aid. But as he wept he heard a distant sound that was sweeter than music to his ears:

“Cling, clang, cling! Cling, clang, cling!”

[Footnote 1: Adapted from the old proverb, “For want of a nail, the shoe was lost,” etc.]

“Only a blacksmith plays that tune!” he cried; and he urged his horse on joyfully, calling as he went:

“Smith, smith, if you love country and king, shoe my horse, and shoe him speedily.”

It was not long before he spied the fire of a roadside smithy glaring out upon him like a great red eye, and when he reached the door of the shop he found the smith ready and waiting for his task.

Cling, clang, cling! How the iron rang beneath his mighty stroke! And cling, clang, cling, how the hammer sang as the shoe was pounded into shape!

By the time the sun was over the hill the horse was shod, and the rider was in his saddle again.

But the blacksmith would take no money for his work.

“To serve my country and the king is pay enough for me,” he said; and he stood up straight and tall and looked the king’s counselor in the eyes.

And lo! and behold, as the morning light fell on their faces, each saw that the other was his brother.

“God bless you, brother,” and “God speed you, brother,” was all that they had time to say, but that was enough to show that love was still warm in their hearts.

Then away, and away, and away, through the sun and the dew rode the elder brother–away and away over hill and dale toward the king’s palace.

The king and his counselors were watching and waiting there, and as the sun climbed high and the message did not come, those who wanted war said:

“Shall we not saddle our horses, and call up our men?”

“The bells in the steeple have yet to ring for noon,” said the peace-lovers; “and we see a dust on the king’s highway.”

“Dust flies before wind,” said the warriors, “and it is likelier that our messenger lies in the duke’s prison than rides on the king’s highway.”

But with the dust came the sound of flying hoofs. Faster, faster, faster, they came. When the first stroke of the noon hour pealed from the church steeple the king’s messenger was in sight, and the last bell had not rung when he stood before the palace gate to deliver the duke’s message:

“Peace and good will to you and yours;
And to all a Merry Christmas.”

Then the king sent for fine robes and a golden chain to be brought for the elder brother, and put a purse of gold in his hand, for he was well pleased with what he had done.

But the elder brother would have none of these things for himself alone.

“Try as I would, I must have failed had it not been for my brother, the blacksmith, who shod my horse on the road to-day,” he said; “and, if it please your majesty, half of all you give to me I will give to him.”

“Two good servants are better than one,” said the king, and he sent for the younger brother that he might thank him also.

Then the two brothers were clothed alike and feasted alike, and each had a purse of gold; and whenever one was praised, so was the other.

And they lived happily, each in his own work, all the days of their lives.