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The Runaway Skyscraper
by [?]

His telephone rang. Van Deventer was on the wire. The exchange in the building was still working. Van Deventer wanted Arthur to come down to his private office. There were still a great many things to be settled–the arrangements for commandeering offices for sleeping quarters for the women, and numberless other details. The men who seemed to have best kept their heads were gathering there to settle upon a course of action.

Arthur glanced out of the window again before going to the elevator. He saw a curiously compact dark cloud moving swiftly across the sky to the west.

“Miss Woodward,” he said sharply, “What is that?”

Estelle came to the window and looked.

“They are birds,” she told him. “Birds flying in a group. I’ve often seen them in the country, though never as many as that.”

“How do you catch birds?” Arthur asked her. “I know about shooting them, and so on, but we haven’t guns enough to count. Could we catch them in traps, do you think?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised,” said Estelle thoughtfully. “But it would be hard to catch many.”

“Come down-stairs,” directed Arthur. “You know as much as any of the men here, and more than most, apparently. We’re going to make you show us how to catch things.”

Estelle smiled, a trifle wanly. Arthur led the way to the elevator. In the car he noticed that she looked distressed.

“What’s the matter?” he asked. “You aren’t really frightened, are you?”

“No,” she answered shakily, “but–I’m rather upset about this thing. It’s so–so terrible, somehow, to be back here, thousands of miles, or years, away from all one’s friends and everybody.”

“Please”–Arthur smiled encouragingly at her–“please count me your friend, won’t you?”

She nodded, but blinked back some tears. Arthur would have tried to hearten her further, but the elevator stopped at their floor. They walked into the room where the meeting of cool heads was to take place.

No more than a dozen men were in there talking earnestly but dispiritedly. When Arthur and Estelle entered Van Deventer came over to greet them.

“We’ve got to do something,” he said in a low voice. “A wave of homesickness has swept over the whole place. Look at those men. Every one is thinking about his family and contrasting his cozy fireside with all that wilderness outside.”

“You don’t seem to be worried,” Arthur observed with a smile.

Van Deventer’s eyes twinkled.

“I’m a bachelor,” he said cheerfully, “and I live in a hotel. I’ve been longing for a chance to see some real excitement for thirty years. Business has kept me from it up to now, but I’m enjoying myself hugely.”

Estelle looked at the group of dispirited men.

“We’ll simply have to do something,” she said with a shaky smile. “I feel just as they do. This morning I hated the thought of having to go back to my boarding-house to-night, but right now I feel as if the odor of cabbage in the hallway would seem like heaven.”

Arthur led the way to the flat-topped desk in the middle of the room.

“Let’s settle a few of the more important matters,” he said in a businesslike tone. “None of us has any authority to act for the rest of the people in the tower, but so many of us are in a state of blue funk that those who are here must have charge for a while. Anybody any suggestions?”

“Housing,” answered Van Deventer promptly. “I suggest that we draft a gang of men to haul all the upholstered settees and rugs that are to be found to one floor, for the women to sleep on.”

“M–m. Yes. That’s a good idea. Anybody a better plan?”

No one spoke. They all still looked much too homesick to take any great interest in anything, but they began to listen more or less half-heartedly.

“I’ve been thinking about coal,” said Arthur. “There’s undoubtedly a supply in the basement, but I wonder if it wouldn’t be well to cut the lights off most of the floors, only lighting up the ones we’re using.”