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The Message In The Sand
by [?]

Stranger, you furriners don’t nuver seem to consider that a woman has always got the devil to fight in two people at once! Hit’s two agin one, I tell ye, an’ hit hain’t fa’r.

That’s what I said more’n two year ago, when Rosie Branham was a-layin’ up thar at Dave Hall’s, white an’ mos’ dead. An’, GOD, boys, I says, that leetle thing in thar by her shorely can’t be to blame.

Thar hain’t been a word agin Rosie sence; an’, stranger, I reckon thar nuver will be. Fer, while the gal hain’t got hide o’ kith or kin, thar air two fellers up hyeh sorter lookin’ atter Rosie; an’ one of ’em is the shootin’es’ man on this crick, I reckon, ‘cept one; an’, stranger, that’s t’other.

Rosie kep’ her mouth shet fer a long while; an’ I reckon as how the feller ‘lowed she wasn’t goin’ to tell. Co’se the woman folks got hit out’n her–they al’ays gits whut they want, as you know–an’ thar the sorry cuss was–a-livin’ up thar in the Bend, jes aroun’ that bluff o’ lorrel yander, a-lookin’ pious, an’ a-singin’, an’ a-sayin’ Amen louder ‘n anybody when thar was meetin’.

Well, my boy Jim an’ a lot o’ fellers jes went up fer him right away. I don’t know as the boys would ‘a’ killed him EXACTLY ef they had kotched him, though they mought; but they got Abe Shivers, as tol’ the feller they was a-comin’–you’ve heard tell o’ Abe-an’ they mos’ beat Abraham Shivers to death. Stranger, the sorry cuss was Dave. Rosie hadn’t no daddy an’ no mammy; an’ she was jes a-workin’ at Dave’s fer her victuals an’ clo’es. ‘Pears like the pore gal was jes tricked into evil. Looked like she was sorter ‘witched–an’ anyways, stranger, she was a fightin’ Satan in HERSELF, as well as in Dave. Hit was two agin one, I tell ye, an’ hit wasn’t fa’r.

Co’se they turned Rosie right out in the road I hain’t got a word to say agin Dave’s wife fer that; an’ atter a while the boys lets Dave come back, to take keer o’ his ole mammy, of co’se, but I tell ye Dave’s a-playin’ a purty lonesome tune. He keeps purty shy YIT. He don’t nuver sa’nter down this way. ‘Pears like he don’t seem to think hit’s healthy fer him down hyeh, an’ I reckon Dave’s right.

Rosie? Oh, well, I sorter tuk Rosie in myself. Yes, she’s been livin’ thar in the shack with me an’ my boy Jim, an’ the– Why, thar he is now, stranger. That’s him a-wallerin’ out thar in the road. Do you reckon thar’d be a single thing agin that leetle cuss ef he had to stan’ up on Jedgment Day jes as he is now?

Look hyeh, stranger, whut you reckon the Lawd kep’ a-writin’ thar on the groun’ that day when them fellers was a-pesterin’ him ’bout that pore woman? Don’t you jes know he was a writin’ ’bout sech as HIM–an’ Rosie? I tell ye, brother, he writ thar jes what I’m al’ays a-sayin’.

Hit hain’t the woman’s fault. I said it more’n two year ago, when Rosie was up thar at ole Dave’s, an’ I said it yestiddy, when my boy Jim come to me an’ ‘lowed as how he aimed to take Rosie down to town to-day an’ git married.

“You ricollect, dad,” says Jim, “her mammy?”

“Yes, Jim,” I says; “all the better reason not to be too hard on Rosie.”

I’m a-lookin’ fer ’em both back right now, stranger; an’ ef you will, I’ll be mighty glad to have ye stay right hyeh to the infair this very night. Thar nuver was a word agin Rosie afore, thar hain’t been sence, an’ you kin ride up an’ down this river till the crack o’ doom an’ you’ll nuver hear a word agin her ag’in. Fer, as I tol’ you, my boy, Jim is the shootin’es’ feller on this crick, I reckon, ‘cept ONE, an’, stranger, that’s ME!