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The Hounds Of Fate
by [?]

“The old missus won’t see you, Master Tom, but she says you are to stay. ‘Tis right enough, seeing the farm will be yours when she be put under earth. I’ve had a fire lit in your room, Master Tom, and the maids has put fresh sheets on to the bed. You’ll find nought changed up there. Maybe you’m tired and would like to go there now.”

Without a word Martin Stoner rose heavily to his feet and followed his ministering angel along a passage, up a short creaking stair, along another passage, and into a large room lit with a cheerfully blazing fire. There was but little furniture, plain, old- fashioned, and good of its kind; a stuffed squirrel in a case and a wall-calendar of four years ago were about the only symptoms of decoration. But Stoner had eyes for little else than the bed, and could scarce wait to tear his clothes off him before rolling in a luxury of weariness into its comfortable depths. The hounds of Fate seemed to have checked for a brief moment.

In the cold light of morning Stoner laughed mirthlessly as he slowly realized the position in which he found himself. Perhaps he might snatch a bit of breakfast on the strength of his likeness to this other missing ne’er-do-well, and get safely away before anyone discovered the fraud that had been thrust on him. In the room downstairs he found the bent old man ready with a dish of bacon and fried eggs for “Master Tom’s” breakfast, while a hard- faced elderly maid brought in a teapot and poured him out a cup of tea. As he sat at the table a small spaniel came up and made friendly advances.

“‘Tis old Bowker’s pup,” explained the old man, whom the hard- faced maid had addressed as George. “She was main fond of you; never seemed the same after you went away to Australee. She died ’bout a year agone. ‘Tis her pup.”

Stoner found it difficult to regret her decease; as a witness for identification she would have left something to be desired.

“You’ll go for a ride, Master Tom?” was the next startling proposition that came from the old man. “We’ve a nice little roan cob that goes well in saddle. Old Biddy is getting a bit up in years, though ‘er goes well still, but I’ll have the little roan saddled and brought round to door.”

“I’ve got no riding things,” stammered the castaway, almost laughing as he looked down at his one suit of well-worn clothes.

“Master Tom,” said the old man earnestly, almost with an offended air, “all your things is just as you left them. A bit of airing before the fire an’ they’ll be all right. ‘Twill be a bit of a distraction like, a little riding and wild-fowling now and agen. You’ll find the folk around here has hard and bitter minds towards you. They hasn’t forgotten nor forgiven. No one’ll come nigh you, so you’d best get what distraction you can with horse and dog. They’m good company, too.”

Old George hobbled away to give his orders, and Stoner, feeling more than ever like one in a dream, went upstairs to inspect “Master Tom’s” wardrobe. A ride was one of the pleasures dearest to his heart, and there was some protection against immediate discovery of his imposture in the thought that none of Tom’s aforetime companions were likely to favour him with a close inspection. As the interloper thrust himself into some tolerably well-fitting riding cords he wondered vaguely what manner of misdeed the genuine Tom had committed to set the whole countryside against him. The thud of quick, eager hoofs on damp earth cut short his speculations. The roan cob had been brought up to the side door.