The Fundamental Axiom
There is a deep pool in the river a few hundred yards from the spot where Samuel’s hut used to stand, and at one side of it the bank rises precipitously for about twenty feet. Upon this bank stood Samuel Gozani, naked as he was born, and he lifted up his voice and spake:
“The white men told me about a God that died for all men, and that rewards the good and punishes the wicked, but the white man lied about other things, so I cannot believe him. My father told me about Tikoloshe, who lives in the water, and pulls people down by the feet into the darkness. I never knew my father to lie; I want to reach the darkness, so I will go to Tikoloshe.”
He sprang into the pool, and Tikoloshe pulled him down by the feet into the darkness.
Allemagtig, almighty
Boomslang, an innocuous colubrine snake
*Donga, a gully with steep sides
Drift, the ford of a river
*E-hea, exactly so
*Ewe, yes
Hamel, a wether sheep
*Icanti, a fabulous serpent, the mere appearance of which is supposed to cause death
*Impandulu, the lightning bird. The Kafirs believe the lightning to be a bird
*Impi, an army or any military force on the war path
*Induna, a Zulu councilor or general
Kapater, a wether goat
Kerrie, a stick such as is almost invariably carried by a Kafir
Kloof, a gorge or valley
Kaffirboom, a large arboreal aloe
Kopje, an abrupt hillock
Kraal, (1) an enclosure for stock; a fold or pen. (2) a native hut, or collection of huts
Krantz, a cliff
*Lobola, the payment of cattle by a man to the father of the girl he wants to marry
*Mawo, an exclamation of surprise
Mealies, maize
Op togt, on a trading trip
Ou Pa, grandfather
Outspan, to unyoke a team
Raak, hit
Reim, a leather thong
Reimje, diminutive of foregoing
Schulpad, a tortoise
Sjambok: a heavy whip made of rhinocerous hide
Stoep, a space about two yards, in width along the front or side of a house. Usually covered by a verandah in the case of South African houses
Taaibosch, “tough bush,” a shrub. Rhus lucida
*Tikoloshe, a water spirit who is supposed, when people are drowned, to have pulled them under water by the feet
“Ukushwama, the feast of first fruits;–celebrated by the Bacas and some other Bantu tribes
*Umtagati, magic;–witchcraft
Veldt. unenclosed and uncultivated land. The open country
Veldschoens, home-made boots such as those in general use amongst South African Boers
Voor-huis, the dining and sitting-room in a Dutch house
*Yebo, yes
*Kafir terms are marked by an asterisk.