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The Foreigner
by [?]

“‘Twas this way: we walked together along the road, me an’ uncle Lorenzo. You know how it leads straight from just above the schoolhouse to the brook bridge, and their house was just this side o’ the brook bridge on the left hand; the cellar’s there now, and a couple or three good-sized gray birches growin’ in it. And when we come near enough I saw that the best room, this way, where she most never set, was all lighted up, and the curtains up so that the light shone bright down the road, and as we walked, those lights would dazzle and dazzle in my eyes, and I could hear the guitar a-goin’, an’ she was singin’. She heard our steps with her quick ears and come running to the door with her eyes a-shinin’, an’ all that set look gone out of her face, an’ begun to talk French, gay as a bird, an’ shook hands and behaved very pretty an’ girlish, sayin’ ’twas her fête day. I didn’t know what she meant then. And she had gone an’ put a wreath o’ flowers on her hair an’ wore a handsome gold chain that the cap’n had given her; an’ there she was, poor creatur’, makin’ believe have a party all alone in her best room; ’twas prim enough to discourage a person, with too many chairs set close to the walls, just as the cap’n’s mother had left it, but she had put sort o’ long garlands on the walls, droopin’ very graceful, and a sight of green boughs in the corners, till it looked lovely, and all lit up with a lot o’ candles.”

“Oh dear!” I sighed.”Oh, Mrs. Todd, what did you do?”

“She beheld our countenances,” answered Mrs. Todd solemnly.”I expect they was telling everything plain enough, but Cap’n Lorenzo spoke the sad words to her as if he had been her father; and she wavered a minute and then over she went on the floor before we could catch hold of her, and then we tried to bring her to herself and failed, and at last we carried her upstairs, an’ I told uncle to run down and put out the lights, and then go fast as he could for Mrs. Begg, being very experienced in sickness, an’ he so did. I got off her clothes and her poor wreath, and I cried as I done it. We both stayed there that night, and the doctor said ’twas a shock when he come in the morning; he’d been over to Black Island an’ had to stay all night with a very sick child.”

“You said that she lived alone some time after the news came,” I reminded Mrs. Todd then.

“Oh yes, dear,” answered my friend sadly, “but it wa’n’t what you’d call livin’; no, it was only dyin’, though at a snail’s pace. She never went out again those few months, but for a while she could manage to get about the house a little, and do what was needed, an’ I never let two days go by without seein’ her or hearin’ from her. She nev
er took much notice as I came an’ went except to answer if I asked her anything. Mother was the one who gave her the only comfort.”

“What was that?” I asked softly.

“She said that anybody in such trouble ought to see their minister, mother did, and one day she spoke to Mis’ Tolland, and found that the poor soul had been believin’ all the time that there weren’t any priests here. We’d come to know she was a Catholic by her beads and all, and that had set some narrow minds against her. And mother explained it just as she would to a child; and uncle Lorenzo sent word right off somewheres up river by a packet that was bound up the bay, and the first o’ the week a priest come by the boat, an’ uncle Lorenzo was on the wharf ‘tendin’ to some business; so they just come up for me, and I walked with him to show him the house. He was a kind-hearted old man; he looked so benevolent an’ fatherly I could ha’ stopped an’ told him my own troubles; yes, I was satisfied when I first saw his face, an’ when poor Mis’ Tolland beheld him enter the room, she went right down on her knees and clasped her hands together to him as if he’d come to save her life, and he lifted her up and blessed her, an’ I left ’em together, and slipped out into the open field and walked there in sight so if they needed to call me, and I had my own thoughts. At last I saw him at the door; he had to catch the return boat. I meant to walk back with him and offer him some supper, but he said no, and said he was comin’ again if needed, and signed me to go into the house to her, and shook his head in a way that meant he understood everything. I can see him now; he walked with a cane, rather tired and feeble; I wished somebody would come along, so ‘s to carry him down to the shore.