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The Escape Of Mr. Trimm
by [?]

Back and forth along the lower edge of his yard the farmer hunted, with the whimpering, cowed terrier to guide him, poking in dark corners with the muzzle of his shotgun for the unseen intruder whose coming had aroused the household. In a brushpile just over the fence to the east Mr. Trimm lay on his face upon the wet earth, with the rain beating down on him, sobbing with choking gulps that wrenched him cruelly, biting at the bonds on his wrists until the sound of breaking teeth gritted in the air. Finally, in the hopeless, helpless frenzy of his agony he beat his arms up and down until the bracelets struck squarely on a flat stone and the force of the blow sent the cuffs home to the last notch so that they pressed harder and faster than ever upon the tortured wrist bones.

When he had wasted ten or fifteen minutes in a vain search the farmer went shivering back indoors to dry out his wet shirt. But the groveling figure in the brushpile lay for a long time where it was, only stirring a little while the rain dripped steadily down on everything.

* * * * *

The wreck was on a Tuesday evening. Early on the Saturday morning following the chief of police, who was likewise the whole of the day police force in the town of Westfield, nine miles from the place where the collision occurred, heard a peculiar, strangely weak knocking at the front door of his cottage, where he also had his office. The door was a Dutch door, sawed through the middle, so that the top half might be opened independently, leaving the lower panel fast. He swung this top half back.

A face was framed in the opening–an indescribably dirty, unutterably weary face, with matted white hair and a rime of whitish beard stubble on the jaws. It was fallen in and sunken and it drooped on the chest of its owner. The mouth, swollen and pulpy, as if from repeated hard blows, hung agape, and between the purplish parted lips showed the stumps of broken teeth. The eyes blinked weakly at the chief from under lids as colorless as the eyelids of a corpse. The bare white head was filthy with plastered mud and twigs, and dripping wet.

“Hello, there!” said the chief, startled at this apparition. “What do you want?”

With a movement that told of straining effort the lolled head came up off the chest. The thin, corded neck stiffened back, rising from a dirty, collarless neckband. The Adam’s apple bulged out prominently, as big as a pigeon’s egg.

“I have come,” said the specter in a wheezing rasp of a voice which the chief could hardly hear–“I have come to surrender myself. I am Hobart W. Trimm.”

“I guess you got another thing comin’,” said the chief, who was by way of being a neighborhood wag. “When last seen Hobart W. Trimm was only fifty-two years old. Besides which, he’s dead and buried. I guess maybe you’d better think agin, grandpap, and see if you ain’t Methus’lah or the Wanderin’ Jew.”

“I am Hobart W. Trimm, the banker,” whispered the stranger with a sort of wan stubbornness.

“Go on and prove it,” suggested the chief, more than willing to prolong the enjoyment of the sensation. It wasn’t often in Westfield that wandering lunatics came a-calling.

“Got any way to prove it?” he repeated as the visitor stared at him.

“Yes,” came the creaking, rusted hinge of a voice, “I have.”

Slowly, with struggling attempts, he raised his hands into the chief’s sight. They were horribly swollen hands, red with the dried blood where they were not black with the dried dirt; the fingers puffed up out of shape; the nails broken; they were like the skinned paws of a bear. And at the wrists, almost buried in the bloated folds of flesh, blackened, rusted, battered, yet still strong and whole, was a tightly-locked pair of Bean’s Latest Model Little Giant handcuffs.

“Great God!” cried the chief, transfixed at the sight. He drew the bolt and jerked open the lower half of the door.

“Come in,” he said, “and lemme get them irons off of you–they must hurt something terrible.”

“They can wait,” said Mr. Trimm very feebly, very slowly and very humbly. “I have worn them a long, long while–I am used to them. Wouldn’t you please get me some food first?”