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The Day Of The Dog
by [?]

“I know nothing of the sort, sir, and I forbid Mrs. Delancy holding further conversation with you. This is an outrageous imposition, Louise. You must hurry, by the way, or we’ll miss the train,” said Austin, biting his lip impatiently.

“That reminds me, I also take the four o’clock train for Chicago, Mrs. Delancy. If you prefer, we can talk over our affairs on the train instead of here. I’ll confess this isn’t a very dignified manner in which to hold a consultation,” said Crosby apologetically.

“Will you be kind enough to state the nature of your business, Mr. Crosby?” said the young woman, ignoring Mr. Austin.

“Then you believe I’m Crosby?” cried that gentleman triumphantly.

“Louise!” cried Mrs. Austin in despair.

“In spite of your present occupation, I believe you are Crosby,” said Mrs. Delancy merrily.

“But, good gracious, I can’t talk business with you from this confounded beam,” he cried lugubriously.

“Mr. Austin will call the dog away,” she said confidently, turning to the man in the door. Austin’s sallow face lighted with a sudden malicious grin, and there was positive joy in his voice.

“You may be satisfied, but I am not. If you desire to transact business with this impertinent stranger, Mrs. Delancy, you’ll have to do so under existing conditions. I do not approve of him or his methods, and my dog doesn’t either. You can trust a dog for knowing a man for what he is. Mrs. Austin and I are going to the house. You may remain, of course; I have no right to command you to follow. When you are ready to drive to the station, please come to the house. I’ll be ready. Your Mr. Crosby may leave when he likes–IF HE CAN. Come, Elizabeth.” With this defiant thrust, Mr. Austin stalked from the barn, followed by his wife. Mrs. Delancy started to follow but checked herself immediately, a flush of anger mounting to her brow. After a long pause she spoke.

“I don’t understand how you came to be where you are, Mr. Crosby,” she said slowly. He related his experiences rapidly and laughed with her simply because she had a way with her.

“You’ll pardon me for laughing,” she giggled.

“With all my heart,” he replied gallantly. “It must be very funny. However, this is not business. You are in a hurry to get away from here and–I’m not, it seems. Briefly, Mrs. Delancy, I have the papers you are to sign before we begin your action against the Fairwater estate. You know what they are through Mr. Rolfe.”

“Well, I’m sorry, Mr. Crosby, to say to you that I have decided to abandon the matter. A satisfactory compromise is under way.”

“So I’ve been told. But are you sure you understand yourself?”

“Perfectly, thank you.”

“This is a very unsatisfactory place from which to argue my case, Mrs. Delancy. Can’t you dispose of the dog?”

“Only God disposes.”

“Well, do you mind telling me what the compromise provides?” She stared at him for a moment haughtily, but his smile won the point for him. She told him everything and then looked very much displeased when he swore distinctly.

“Pardon me, but you are getting very much the worst of it in this deal. It is the most contemptible scheme to rob that I ever heard of. By this arrangement you are to get farming lands and building lots in rural towns worth in all about $100,000, I’d say. Don’t you know that you are entitled to nearly half a million?”

“Oh, dear, no. By right, my share is less than $75,000,” she cried triumphantly.

“Who told you so?” he demanded, and she saw a very heavy frown on his erstwhile merry face.

“Why–why, Mr. Austin and another brother-in-law, Mr. Gray, both of whom are very kind to me in the matter, I’m sure.”

“Mrs. Delancy, you are being robbed by these fellows. Can’t you see that these brothers-in-law and their wives will profit immensely if they succeed in keeping the wool over your eyes long enough? Let ME show you some figures.” He excitedly drew a packet of papers from his pocket and in five minutes’ time had her gasping with the knowledge that she was legally entitled to more than half a million of dollars.