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The Cater-Cornered Sex
by [?]

She came down soon, wearing a loose, frilly, wrapperlike garment which hid her figure. Approaching maternity had not softened her face, had not given to it the glorified Madonna look. Rather it had drawn her features to haggardness and put in her eyes a look of sharpened apprehension as though dread of the nearing ordeal of suffering and danger overrode the hope which, along with the new life, was quick within her. She greeted Judge Priest with a matter-of-fact directness. Her expression plainly enough told him she was at a loss to account for his coming.

“I’m sorry, sir,” she said in her rather metallic fashion of speaking, “that Dallam isn’t here. But he was called to St. Louis this morning on business. I hope you will pardon my receiving you in negligee. I’m not seeing much company at present. The maid, though, said the business was imperative.”

“Yes, ma’am, it is,” answered Judge Priest, rather ceremoniously for him, “and I am grateful to you fur lettin’ me see you and I don’t aim to detain you very long. I kin tell you in a few words whut it is that has brought me.”

He was as good as his promise–he did tell her in a few words. Outlining his suggestion, he used much the same language which he had used once already that night. He did not tell her, though, he had come to her direct from her mother. He did not tell her he had been to her mother at all. It might have been inferred that his present hearer was the first to hear that which now he set forth.

“Well, ma’am,” he concluded, “that’s the condition ez I view it. And if you likewise see your way clear to view it ez I do the whole thing kin be accomplished with the scratch of a pen. And you’ll have the satisfaction of knowin’ that through your act your mother will be well provided fur fur the rest of her life.” He added a final argument, being moved thereto perhaps by the fact that she had heard him without change of expression and with no glance which might be interpreted as approval for his plan. “I take it, ma’am, that you do not need the money involved. You never will need it, the chances are. You are rich fur this town–your husband is, anyway.”

She replied then, and to the old man, harkening, it seemed that her words fell sharp and brittle like breaking icicles. One thing, though, might be said for her–she sought no roundabout course. She did not quibble or seek to enwrap the main issue in specious excuses or apologies for her position.

“I decline to do it,” she said. “I do not feel that I have the right to do it. I understand the motives which may have actuated you to interest yourself in this affair, but I tell you very frankly that I have no intention of surrendering my legal rights in the slightest degree. You say I do not need the money, but in the very same breath you go on to say the chances are that I shall never need it. So there you yourself practically admit there is a chance that some day I might need it. Besides, I do not rate my husband a rich man, though you may do so. He is well-to-do, nothing more. And his business is uncertain–all business is. He might lose every cent he has to-morrow in some bad investment or some poor speculation.

“There is still another reason I think of: I have nothing–absolutely nothing–in my own name. It irks me to ask my husband, generous though he is, for every cent I use, to have to account to him for my personal expenditures. Before I married him I earned my own living and I paid my own way and learned to love the feeling of independence, the feeling of having a little money that was all my own. My share of this inheritance will provide me with a private fund, a fund upon which I may draw at will, or which I may put away for a possible rainy day, just as I choose.”