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The Battle Of The Third Cousins
by [?]

“He is very angry,” said the boy, “at the tricks that have been played upon him, and went off and left me. Is it true that I am to fight him? I don’t want to do it, for I like him very much.”

“It will be a long time before you are old enough to fight,” said Salim; “so we need not consider that. You stay here, and I’ll go over and talk to him.”

Salim then crossed the stream, and approached Alberdin. When the young man saw him, and recognized him as the person who had arranged the two encampments, he turned upon him with fury.

“Wretched old man, who came to me as the emissary of my antagonist, you are but the tutor of that boy! If I had known the truth at first, I would have met him instantly; would have conquered him without hurting a hair on his head; and carrying him bound to the capital city, would have claimed the Autocracy, and would now have been sitting upon the throne. Instead of that, look at the delay and annoyance to which I have been subjected. I have also taken such a fancy to the boy that rather than hurt him or injure his prospects, I would willingly resign my pretensions to the throne, and go back contentedly to my own city. But this cannot now be done. I have fallen in love with the daughter of the late Autocrat, and she will marry none but the victorious claimant. Behold to what a condition you have brought me!”

The old man regarded him with attention.

“I wish very much,” said he, “to defer the settlement of this matter for thirteen years. Are you willing to wait so long?”

“No, I am not,” said Alberdin.

“Very well, then,” said the old man, “each third cousin must retire to his camp, and as soon as matters can be arranged the battle must take place.”

“There is nothing else to be done,” said Alberdin in a troubled voice; “but I shall take care that the boy receives no injury if it can possibly be avoided.”

The three now retraced their steps, and in a few days were settled down, Alberdin in his tent in the plain, and Salim and Phedo in their intrenchments on the other side of the low mountain. The old man now gave himself up to deep thought. He had discovered the germ of Alberdin’s trouble; and in a few days he had arranged his plans, and went over to see the young man.

“It has been determined,” said he, “that a syndicate is to be formed to attend to this business for Phedo.”

“A syndicate!” cried Alberdin. “What is that?”

“A syndic,” answered Salim, “is a person who attends to business for others; and a syndicate is a body of men who are able to conduct certain affairs better than any individual can do it. In a week from to-day, Phedo’s syndicate will meet you in the large plain outside of the capital city. There the contest will take place. Shall you be ready?”

“I don’t exactly understand it,” said Alberdin, “but I shall be there.”

General notice was given of the coming battle of the contestants for the throne, and thousands of the inhabitants of the Autocracy assembled on the plain on the appointed day. The Princess with her ladies was there; and as everybody was interested, everybody was anxious to see what would happen.

Alberdin rode into the open space in the centre of the plain, and demanded that his antagonist should appear. Thereupon old Salim came forward, leading Phedo by the hand.

“This is the opposing heir,” he said; “but as every one can see that he is too young to fight a battle, a syndicate has been appointed to attend to the matter for him; and there is nothing in the will of the late Autocrat which forbids this arrangement. The syndicate will now appear.”

At this command there came into the arena a horseman heavily armed, a tall foot soldier completely equipped for action, an artilleryman with a small cannon on wheels, a sailor with a boarding-pike and a drawn cutlass, and a soldier with a revolving gun which discharged one hundred and twenty balls a minute.