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Silver Saucer And The Transparent Apple
by [?]

“Never mind, grandfather,” said Maroosia.

God knows best, and He makes some merchants and some foresters, and some good and some bad, all in His own way. Anyhow this one was a merchant, and he had three daughters. They were none of them so bad to look at, but one of them was as pretty as Maroosia. And she was the best of them too. The others put all the hard work on her, while they did nothing but look at themselves in the looking-glass and complain of what they had to eat. They called the pretty one “Little Stupid,” because she was so good and did all their work for them. Oh, they were real bad ones, those two. We wouldn’t have them in here for a minute.

Well, the time came round for the merchant to pack up and go to the big fair. He called his daughters, and said, “Little pigeons,” just as I say to you. “Little pigeons,” says he, “what would you like me to bring you from the fair?”

Says the eldest, “I’d like a necklace, but it must be a rich one.”

Says the second, “I want a new dress with gold hems.”

But the youngest, the good one, Little Stupid, said nothing at all.

“Now little one,” says her father, “what is it you want? I must bring something for you too.”

Says the little one, “Could I have a silver saucer and a transparent apple? But never mind if there are none.”

The old merchant says, “Long hair, short sense,” just as I say to Maroosia; but he promised the little pretty one, who was so good that her sisters called her stupid, that if he could get her a silver saucer and a transparent apple she should have them.

Then they all kissed each other, and he cracked his whip, and off he went, with the little bells jingling on the horses’ harness.

The three sisters waited till he came back. The two elder ones looked in the looking-glass, and thought how fine they would look in the new necklace and the new dress; but the little pretty one took care of her old mother, and scrubbed and dusted and swept and cooked, and every day the other two said that the soup was burnt or the bread not properly baked.

Then one day there were a jingling of bells and a clattering of horses’ hoofs, and the old merchant came driving back from the fair.

The sisters ran out.

“Where is the necklace?” asked the first.

“You haven’t forgotten the dress?” asked the second.

But the little one, Little Stupid, helped her old father off with his coat, and asked him if he was tired.

“Well, little one,” says the old merchant, “and don’t you want your fairing too? I went from one end of the market to the other before I could get what you wanted. I bought the silver saucer from an old Jew, and the transparent apple from a Finnish hag.”

“Oh, thank you, father,” says the little one.

“And what will you do with them?” says he.

“I shall spin the apple in the saucer,” says the little pretty one, and at that the old merchant burst out laughing.

“They don’t call you ‘Little Stupid’ for nothing,” says he.

Well, they all had their fairings, and the two elder sisters, the bad ones, they ran off and put on the new dress and the new necklace, and came out and strutted about, preening themselves like herons, now on one leg and now on the other, to see how they looked. But Little Stupid, she just sat herself down beside the stove, and took the transparent apple and set it in the silver saucer, and she laughed softly to herself. And then she began spinning the apple in the saucer.

Round and round the apple spun in the saucer, faster and faster, till you couldn’t see the apple at all, nothing but a mist like a little whirlpool in the silver saucer. And the little good one looked at it, and her eyes shone like yours.