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My Aunt Margaret’s Mirror
by [?]

“He was turning from her.

“‘Stop,’ she exclaimed; ‘I will try–yes, I will try to pardon him.’

“‘Gracious lady,’ said the old man, ‘you will relieve the over- burdened soul which dare not sever itself from its sinful companion of earth without being at peace with you. What do I know–your forgiveness may perhaps preserve for penitence the dregs of a wretched life.’

“‘Ha!’ said the lady, as a sudden light broke on her, ‘it is the villain himself!’ And grasping Sir Philip Forester–for it was he, and no other–by the collar, she raised a cry of ‘Murder, murder! seize the murderer!’

“At an exclamation so singular, in such a place, the company thronged into the apartment; but Sir Philip Forester was no longer there. He had forcibly extricated himself from Lady Bothwell’s hold, and had run out of the apartment, which opened on the landing-place of the stair. There seemed no escape in that direction, for there were several persons coming up the steps, and others descending. But the unfortunate man was desperate. He threw himself over the balustrade, and alighted safely in the lobby, though a leap of fifteen feet at least, then dashed into the street, and was lost in darkness. Some of the Bothwell family made pursuit, and had they come up with the fugitive they might perhaps have slain him; for in those days men’s blood ran warm in their veins. But the police did not interfere, the matter most criminal having happened long since, and in a foreign land. Indeed it was always thought that this extraordinary scene originated in a hypocritical experiment, by which Sir Philip desired to ascertain whether he might return to his native country in safety from the resentment of a family which he had injured so deeply. As the result fell out so contrary to his wishes, he is believed to have returned to the Continent, and there died in exile.”

So closed the tale of the MYSTERIOUS MIRROR.