Let’s Play King
“I’m pleased to meet you, Count. I think I’ve talked to you on the phone. ”
“I believe I do remember having that pleasure!” Very dryly.
Elopatak looked embarrassed as Bessie ardently shook his hand and crowed, “I want you to meet my boy, Terry. You’ve probably seen him in the cinema. ”
“Oh! Oh, yes. Quite. ”
“Terry and His Majesty got along just lovely, and I thought it was nice, both of them being famous like they are, to get together like this. You had a good time, didn’t you, King?”
“Oh, thank you very much. ”
“And I thought it would be just lovely—both boys would prize it so much in after years—if we had a news photographer take a few nice pictures of ’em playing together. I guess both their Publics would be tickled to see ’em. ”
Elopatak cried, all in one word, “Butmydearmadamethatwouldbequite-impossibleohquite!”
“But look here! They like each other. ”
“My dear madame, I’m afraid you cannot possibly understand that a royal personage has to consider many things besides his own preferences, and while I am sure His Majesty found your son delightful, as he is, you see he must represent Slovaria, and to be paraded in the cinema would not be dignified….
“Maximilian! I hope you have not forgotten that you are to be taken to a Workmen’s Club this afternoon by Prince Henry. I’m very sorry, but it’s your mother’s request, and I’m afraid you must dash in and dress for it at once!”
The king looked patiently melancholy. He shook hands with Bessie and with Terry; he murmured, “I do hope I shall see you again,” and marched slowly out.
Bessie was clamoring, “But look here! Queen Sidonie would understand how I mean. After all, there’s only one heart that can understand and do for a small boy, and that’s his mother, so if I could see her and explain—”
“Her Majesty is resting, and she has every moment filled until Their Majesties go to Sandringham next Saturday. So if I may escort you upstairs—”
This time Elopatak did not offer his arm to Bessie; he took hers, firmly. Bessie saw that there was danger of a scene which might get into the papers, might ruin her. Stiffly she said, “Thanks; I can find my own way. Goodday!”
As she clumped upstairs she was touchingly ignorant of what Maximilian and Terry had whispered to each other while she had been talking to Elopatak.
“I hate it all! Now I’ll have to go and make b’lieve I’m a king for a lot of people in the East End. I wish I could run away with you!” groaned Maximilian.
“Look, Max! Let’s doit! I hate being a star. News reels! Having to pose. Let’s go be cabin boys on a pirate ship. ”
“Really? Really run away?”
“Sure; you bet. Look, Max, they watch you all day, but can’t you sneak away good and early in the morning? I’ll meet you tomorrow morning, by the back stairs, and we’ll make plans. ”
“Yes! I will! But what do you mean by early?”
“Oh, before anybody’s up. Eight-thirty. Or is that too early for you? What time do they get you up at home—I mean at the palace?”
“Six. ”
“What? Six? In the morning? Why, you poor kid!”
“Then I have to ride an hour before breakfast, and have a cold bath. ”
“Why, you poor kid! Gee, that’s fierce! Gosh, I guess being kings is even worse ‘n being actors! But I bet you eat one darn’ big breakfast after that. ”
“Oh, yes. Cocoa and sometimes three rolls!”
“Don’t you get any ham and eggs?”
“For breakfast? Oh, one couldn’t eat eggs for breakfast!”
“Say, in Poppy Peaks I eat six flapjacks and about six steen millions of gallons of maplsirup!”
“But,” in rather a worried way, “I’m afraid they’ll make us get up very early on a pirate ship. ”
“Naw! Didn’t I see ’em making ‘Yo, Ho, Ho’? Pirates always drink rum all night, and they wear silk, and they don’t get up till noon anyway. Look! Quick! I’ll be there—back stairs—six tomorrow. ”
Max was politely shaking hands with the Taits and making exit; but his hands were held behind him and he was showing six fingers.
Bessie was cross and hopeless-looking, all that evening. They were to have gone to the theater, but Bessie said shortly that they would stay home—she had some plans she had to think about.