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His Worship The Goosedriver
by [?]

‘There ain’t no business!’ he added.

‘Ah!’ returned Mr. Curtenty, thoughtful: such an assertion of the entire absence of business was a reflection upon the town.

‘Sithee!’ said the gooseherd in ruthless accents, ‘I druv these ‘ere geese into this ‘ere town this morning.’ (Here he exaggerated the number of miles traversed.) ‘Twelve geese and two gander–a Brent and a Barnacle. And how many is there now? How many?’

‘Fourteen,’ said Mr. Gordon, having counted; and Mr. Curtenty gazed at him in reproach, for that he, a Town Councillor, had thus mathematically demonstrated the commercial decadence of Bursley.

‘Market overstocked, eh?’ Mr. Curtenty suggested, throwing a side-glance at Callear the poulterer’s close by, which was crammed with everything that flew, swam, or waddled.

‘Call this a market?’ said the gooseherd. ‘I’st tak’ my lot over to Hanbridge, wheer there is a bit doing, by all accounts.’

Now, Mr. Curtenty had not the least intention of buying those geese, but nothing could be better calculated to straighten the back of a Bursley man than a reference to the mercantile activity of Hanbridge, that Chicago of the Five Towns.

‘How much for the lot?’ he inquired.

In that moment he reflected upon his reputation; he knew that he was a cure, a card, a character; he knew that everyone would think it just like Jos Curtenty, the renowned Deputy-Mayor of Bursley, to stand on the steps of the Tiger and pretend to chaffer with a gooseherd for a flock of geese. His imagination caught the sound of an oft-repeated inquiry, ‘Did ye hear about old Jos’s latest–trying to buy them there geese?’ and the appreciative laughter that would follow.

The gooseherd faced him in silence.

‘Well,’ said Mr. Curtenty again, his eyes twinkling, ‘how much for the lot?’

The gooseherd gloomily and suspiciously named a sum.

Mr. Curtenty named a sum startlingly less, ending in sixpence.

‘I’ll tak’ it,’ said the gooseherd, in a tone that closed on the bargain like a vice.

The Deputy-Mayor perceived himself the owner of twelve geese and two ganders–one Brent, one Barnacle. It was a shock, but he sustained it. Involuntarily he looked at Mr. Gordon.

‘How are you going to get ’em home, Curtenty?’ asked Gordon, with coarse sarcasm; ‘drive ’em?’

Nettled, Mr. Curtenty retorted:

‘Now, then, Gas Gordon!’

The barmaid laughed aloud at this sobriquet, which that same evening was all over the town, and which has stuck ever since to the Chairman of the Gas and Lighting Committee. Mr. Gordon wished, and has never ceased to wish, either that he had been elected to some other committee, or that his name had begun with some other letter.

The gooseherd received the purchase-money like an affront, but when Mr. Curtenty, full of private mirth, said, ‘Chuck us your stick in,’ he give him the stick, and smiled under reservation. Jos Curtenty had no use for the geese; he could conceive no purpose which they might be made to serve, no smallest corner for them in his universe. Nevertheless, since he had rashly stumbled into a ditch, he determined to emerge from it grandly, impressively, magnificently. He instantaneously formed a plan by which he would snatch victory out of defeat. He would take Gordon’s suggestion, and himself drive the geese up to his residence in Hillport, that lofty and aristocratic suburb. It would be an immense, an unparalleled farce; a wonder, a topic for years, the crown of his reputation as a card.

He announced his intention with that misleading sobriety and ordinariness of tone which it has been the foible of many great humorists to assume. Mr. Gordon lifted his head several times very quickly, as if to say, ‘What next?’ and then actually departed, which was a clear proof that the man had no imagination and no soul.

The gooseherd winked.

‘You be rightly called “Curtenty,” mester,’ said he, and passed into the Tiger.

‘That’s the best joke I ever heard,’ Jos said to himself ‘I wonder whether he saw it.’

Then the procession of the geese and the Deputy-Mayor commenced. Now, it is not to be assumed that Mr. Curtenty was necessarily bound to look foolish in the driving of geese. He was no nincompoop. On the contrary, he was one of those men who, bringing common-sense and presence of mind to every action of their lives, do nothing badly, and always escape the ridiculous. He marshalled his geese with notable gumption, adopted towards them exactly the correct stress of persuasion, and presently he smiled to see them preceding him in the direction of Hillport. He looked neither to right nor left, but simply at his geese, and thus the quidnuncs of the market-place and the supporters of shop-fronts were unable to catch his eye. He tried to feel like a gooseherd; and such was his histrionic quality, his instinct for the dramatic, he was a gooseherd, despite his blue Melton overcoat, his hard felt hat with the flattened top, and that opulent-curving collar which was the secret despair of the young dandies of Hillport. He had the most natural air in the world. The geese were the victims of this imaginative effort of Mr. Curtenty’s. They took him seriously as a gooseherd. These fourteen intelligences, each with an object in life, each bent on self-aggrandisement and the satisfaction of desires, began to follow the line of least resistance in regard to the superior intelligence unseen but felt behind them, feigning, as geese will, that it suited them so to submit, and that in reality they were still quite independent. But in the peculiar eye of the Barnacle gander, who was leading, an observer with sufficient fancy might have deciphered a mild revolt against this triumph of the absurd, the accidental, and the futile; a passive yet Promethean spiritual defiance of the supreme powers.