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“But if they had thought to cut into Jess Tatum’s body after he was dead, or to probe for the bullet in him, they would have known that it was not Dudley Stackpole who really shot him, but somebody else; and then I suppose suspicion might have fell upon me, although I doubt it. Because they would have found that the bullet which killed him was fired out of a forty-five-seventy shell, and Dudley Stackpole had done all of the shooting he done with a thirty-eight caliber pistol, which would throw a different-sized bullet. But they never thought to do so.”

Question by the physician, Doctor Davis: “You mean to say that no autopsy was performed upon the body of the deceased?”

Answer by Bledsoe: “If you mean by performing an autopsy that they probed into him or cut in to find the bullet I will answer no, sir, they did not. They did not seem to think to do so, because it seemed to everybody such a plain open-and-shut case that Dudley Stackpole had killed him.”

Question by the Reverend Mr. Hewlitt: “I take it that you are making this confession of your own free will and in order to clear the name of an innocent party from blame and to purge your own soul?”

Answer: “In reply to that I will say yes and no. If Dudley Stackpole is still alive, which I doubt, he is by now getting to be an old man; but if alive yet I would like for him to know that he did not fire the shot which killed Jess Tatum on that occasion. He was not a bloodthirsty man, and doubtless the matter may have preyed upon his mind. So on the bare chance of him being still alive is why I make this dying statement to you gentlemen in the presence of witnesses. But I am not ashamed, and never was, at having done what I did do. I killed Jess Tatum with my own hands, and I have never regretted it. I would not regard killing him as a crime any more than you gentlemen here would regard it as a crime killing a rattlesnake or a moccasin snake. Only, until now, I did not think it advisable for me to admit it; which, on Dudley Stackpole’s account solely, is the only reason why I am now making this statement.”

And so on and so forth for the better part of a second column, with a brief summary in Editor Tompkins’ best style–which was a very dramatic and moving style indeed–of the circumstances, as recalled by old residents, of the ancient tragedy, and a short sketch of the deceased Bledsoe, the facts regarding him being drawn from the same veracious sources; and at the end of the article was a somewhat guarded but altogether sympathetic reference to the distressful recollections borne for so long and so patiently by an esteemed townsman, with a concluding paragraph to the effect that though the gentleman in question had declined to make a public statement touching on the remarkable disclosures now added thus strangely as a final chapter to the annals of an event long since occurred, the writer felt no hesitancy in saying that appreciating, as they must, the motives which prompted him to silence, his fellow citizens would one and all join the editor of the Daily Evening News in congratulating him upon the lifting of this cloud from his life.

“I only wish I had the language to express the way that old man looked when I showed him the galley proofs of Bledsoe’s confession,” said Editor Tompkins to a little interested group gathered in his sanctum after the paper was on the streets that evening. “If I had such a power I’d have this Frenchman Balzac backed clear off the boards when it came to describing things. Gentlemen, let me tell you–I’ve been in this business all my life, and I’ve seen lots of things, but I never saw anything that was the beat of this thing.