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Bulger’s Reputation
by [?]

One evening, as the usual social circle were drawn around Mosby’s stove, the lazy silence was broken by the familiar sounds of pistol shots and a series of more familiar shrieks and yells from the rocky hill road. The circle quickly recognized the voices of their old friends the roisterers and gamblers from Sawyer’s Dam; they as quickly recognized the returning shouts here and there from a few companions who were welcoming them. I grieve to say that in spite of their previous attitude of reformation a smile of gratified expectancy lit up the faces of the younger members, and even the older ones glanced dubiously at Briggs. Mosby made no attempt to conceal a sigh of relief as he carefully laid out an extra supply of glasses in his bar. Suddenly the oncoming yells ceased, the wild gallop of hoofs slackened into a trot, and finally halted, and even the responsive shouts of the camp stopped also. We all looked vacantly at each other; Mosby leaped over his counter and went to the door; Briggs followed with the rest of us. The night was dark, and it was a few minutes before we could distinguish a straggling, vague, but silent procession moving through the moist, heavy air on the hill. But, to our surprise, it was moving away from us– absolutely LEAVING the camp! We were still staring in expectancy when out of the darkness slowly emerged a figure which we recognized at once as Captain Jim, one of the most reckless members of our camp. Pushing us back into the grocery he entered without a word, closed the door behind him, and threw himself vacantly into a chair. We at once pressed around him. He looked up at us dazedly, drew a long breath, and said slowly:

“It’s no use, gentlemen! Suthin’s GOT to be done with that Bulger; and mighty quick.”

“What’s the matter?” we asked eagerly.

“Matter!” he repeated, passing his hand across his forehead. “Matter! Look yere! Ye all of you heard them boys from Sawyer’s Dam coming over the hill? Ye heard their music–mebbe ye heard US join in the chorus? Well, on they came waltzing down the hill, like old times, and we waitin’ for ’em. Then, jest as they passed the old cabin, who do you think they ran right into–shooting iron, long hair and mustache, and all that–standing there plump in the road? why, Bulger!”


“Well!–Whatever it was–don’t ask ME–but, dern my skin, ef after a word or two from HIM–them boys just stopped yellin’, turned round like lambs, and rode away, peaceful-like, along with him. We ran after them a spell, still yellin’, when that thar Bulger faced around, said to us that he’d ‘come down here for quiet,’ and ef he couldn’t hev it he’d have to leave with those gentlemen WHO WANTED IT too! And I’m gosh darned ef those GENTLEMEN–you know ’em all– Patsey Carpenter, Snapshot Harry, and the others–ever said a darned word, but kinder nodded ‘So long’ and went away!”

Our astonishment and mystification were complete; and I regret to say, the indignation of Captain Jim and Mosby equally so. “If we’re going to be bossed by the first newcomer,” said the former, gloomily, “I reckon we might as well take our chances with the Sawyer’s Dam boys, whom we know.”

“Ef we are going to hev the legitimate trade of Rattlesnake interfered with by the cranks of some hidin’ horse thief or retired road agent,” said Mosby, “we might as well invite the hull of Joaquin Murietta’s gang here at once! But I suppose this is part o’ Bulger’s particular ‘business,'” he added, with a withering glance at Briggs.

“I understand it all,” said Briggs, quietly. “You know I told you that bullies couldn’t live in the same camp together. That’s human nature–and that’s how plain men like you and me manage to scud along without getting plugged. You see, Bulger wasn’t going to hev any of his own kind jumpin’ his claim here. And I reckon he was pow’ful enough to back down Sawyer’s Dam. Anyhow, the bluff told– and here we are in peace and quietness.”