Black Beauty, Young Folks’ Edition
“There’s a horse, Willie, that has known better days.”
“Poor old fellow!” said the boy; “do you think, grandpapa, he was ever a carriage horse?”
“Oh, yes! my boy,” said the farmer, coming closer, “he might have been anything when he was young; look at his nostrils and his ears, the shape of his neck and shoulder; there’s a deal of breeding about that horse.” He put out his hand and gave me a kind pat on the neck. I put out my nose in answer to his kindness; the boy stroked my face.
“Poor old fellow! see, grandpapa, how well he understands kindness. Could not you buy him and make him young again as you did with Ladybird?”
“My dear boy, I can’t make all old horses young; besides, Ladybird was not so very old, as she was run down and badly used.”
“Well, grandpapa, I don’t believe that this one is old; look at his mane and tail. I wish you would look into his mouth, and then you could tell; though he is so very thin, his eyes are not sunk like some old horses.” The old gentleman laughed. “Bless the boy! he is as horsey as his old grandfather.”
“But do look at his mouth, grandpapa, and ask the price; I am sure he would grow young in our meadows.”
The man who had brought me for sale now put in his word. “The young gentleman’s a real knowing one, sir. Now, the fact is, this ‘ere hoss is just pulled down with over-work in the cabs; he’s not an old one, and I heard as how the vetenary said that a six-months’ run off would set him right up, being as how his wind was not broken. I’ve had the tending of him these ten days past, and a gratefuller, pleasanter animal I never met with, and ‘twould be worth a gentleman’s while to give a five-pound note for him, and let him have a chance. I’ll be bound he’d be worth twenty pounds next spring.”
The old gentleman laughed, and the little boy looked up eagerly. “O, grandpapa, did you not say the colt sold for five pounds more than you expected? You would not be poorer if you did buy this one.”
The farmer slowly felt my legs, which were much swelled and strained; then he looked at my mouth. “Thirteen or fourteen, I should say; just trot him out, will you?”
I arched my poor thin neck, raised my tail a little and threw out my legs as well as I could, for they were very stiff.
“What is the lowest you will take for him?” said the farmer as I came back. “Five pounds, sir; that was the lowest price my master set.”
“‘Tis a speculation,” said the old gentleman, shaking his head, but at the same time slowly drawing out his purse, “quite a speculation! Have you any more business here?” he said, counting the sovereigns into his hand. “No, sir, I can take him for you to the inn, if you please.”
“Do so, I am now going there.”
One day, during this summer, the groom cleaned and dressed me with such extraordinary care that I thought some new change must be at hand; he trimmed my fetlocks and legs, passed the tar-brush over my hoofs, and even parted my forelock. I think the harness had an extra polish. Willie seemed half-anxious, half-merry, as he got into the chaise with his grandfather. “If the ladies take to him,” said the old gentleman, “they’ll be suited and he’ll be suited; we can but try.”
At the distance of a mile or two from the village, we came to a pretty, low house, with a lawn and shrubbery at the front, and a drive up to the door. Willie rang the bell, and asked if Miss Blomefield or Miss Ellen was at home. Yes, they were. So, while Willie stayed with me, Mr. Thoroughgood went into the house. In about ten minutes he returned, followed by three ladies; one tall, pale lady, wrapped in a white shawl, leaned on a younger lady, with dark eyes and a merry face; the other, a very stately-looking person, was Miss Blomefield. They all came and looked at me and asked questions. The younger lady–that was Miss Ellen–took to me very much; she said she was sure she should like me, I had such a good face. The tall, pale lady said she should always be nervous in riding behind a horse that had once been down, as I might come down again, and if I did she should never get over the fright.”