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At The Foot Of The Trail
by [?]

She lifted her chin and looked at her companion over the barricade of conventionality that lay between them with the air of one whose position is unassailable. The old woman sighed with much the same air, but with none of her daughter-in-law’s satisfaction in it.

“I’m sure I don’t know,” she said drearily; “sometimes it ain’t easy to know your dooty at a glance.”

Mrs. Weaver made no response, but her expression was not favorable to such lax uncertainty.

“The way mother Moxom talked,” she said to her husband that night, “you’d have thought she sided with Ethel.”

Jason Weaver was far too much of a man to hazard an opinion on the proprieties in the face of his wife’s disapproval, so he grunted an amiable acquiescence in that spirit of justifiable hypocrisy known among his kind as “humoring the women-folks.” Privately he was disposed to exult in his daughter’s spirit and good sense, and so long as these admirable qualities did not take her away from him, and paternal pride and affection were both gratified, he saw no reason to complain. This satisfaction, however, did not prevent his “stirring her up” now and then, as he said, that he might sun himself in the glow of her youthful temper and chuckle inwardly over her smartness.

“Well, Dot, how’s Rob?” he asked jovially one evening at supper about a month later. “Does he still think he’s worth running after?”

“I don’t know whether he thinks so or not, but I know he is,” asserted the young woman, tilting her chin and looking away from her father with a cool filial contempt for his pleasantries bred by familiarity. “He’s well enough, but the old man that lives with him had a fall and broke his leg, and Rob has to take care of him.”

Old Mrs. Moxom laid down her knife and fork, and dropped her hands in her lap hopelessly.

“Well, now, what made him go and do that?” she asked, with a fretful quaver in her voice, as if this were the last straw.

“I don’t know, grandmother,” answered Ethel cheerfully. “As soon as he’s well enough to be moved, they’re going to take him to the county hospital. I guess that’s the poorhouse. But Rob says he’s so old they’re afraid the bone won’t knit; he suffers like everything. Poor old man, I’m awful sorry for him. Rob has to do all the cooking.”

The old woman pushed back her chair and brushed the crumbs from her apron.

“I guess I’ll go upstairs and lay down awhile, Emma. I been kind of light-headed all afternoon. I guess I set too long over them carpet rags.”

She got up and crossed the room hurriedly. Her son looked after her with anxious eyes. Presently they heard her toiling up the stairs with the slow, inelastic tread of infancy and old age.

“I don’t know what’s come over your mother, Jason,” said his wife. “She hasn’t been herself all summer. Sometimes I think I’d ought to write to the girls.”

“Oh, I guess she’ll be all right,” said Jason, with masculine hopefulness. “Dot, you’d better go up by and by and see if grandmother wants anything.”

Safe in her own room, Mrs. Moxom sank into a chair with a long breath of relief and dismay.

“The poorhouse!” she gasped. “That seems about as mortifying as to own up to your girls that you wasn’t never rightly married to their father.”

She got up and wandered across the room to the bureau. “I expect he’s changed a good deal,” she murmured. She took a daguerreotype from the upper drawer, and gazed at it curiously. “Yes, I expect he’s changed quite a good deal,” she repeated, with a sigh.


“Why, mother Moxom!”

Mrs. Weaver sank into her sewing-chair in an attitude of pulpy despair.

“Well, I don’t see but what it’s the best thing for me to do,” asserted the old woman. “The cold weather’ll be coming on soon, and I always have more or less rheumatism, and they say Californay’s good for rheumatism. Besides, I think I need to stir round a little; I’ve stayed right here ‘most too close; and as long as Ethel has her heart set on going, I don’t see but what it’s the best plan. If I go along with her, I can make sure that everything’s all right. If you and Jason say she can’t go, why, then, I don’t see but what I’ll just have to start off and make the trip alone.”