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Alas, The Poor Whiffletit!
by [?]

“Yas, but–“

“Ain’t you goin’ to have money rollin’ in frum all the snack-stands an’ frum the fried-fish privilege an’ frum the cane rackits an’ frum the knock-the-babies-down an’ all?”

“Tubby shore, but–“

“Ain’t you due to pick up a right smart frum the kitty of the private crap game an’ the chuck-a-luck layout?”

“Natchelly. But–“

“Hole on; I ain’t th’ough yit. Seems lak to me you ain’t properly counted up yore blessin’s a-tall. Ain’t the near-beer–” he sank his voice discreetly, although there was no one to overhear “ain’t the near-beer an’ the still nearer beer goin’ fetch you in a right peart lil’ income? I’ll say they is. An’ ain’t you goin’ do mighty well on yore own account out of yore share of the commission frum Gumbo Rollinses’ Flyin’ Jinny?”

“Hole on, hole on! How come Gumbo Rollins?”

“W’y tha’s all fixed,” stated Jeff. “Gumbo he’ll be out there ‘fore sunup on the ‘p’inted day wid his ole Flyin’ Jinny an’ his ole grind-organ an’–“

“Tain’t nothin’ fixed,” demurred the astonished and indignant AEsop. “‘Tain’t nothin’ fixed ‘thout I fixes it. Ain’t I had pestermints ’nuff las’ yeah settlin’ up, or tryin’ to, wid that Rollins? Ain’t I told him then that never ag’in would I–“

“Oh, tha’s settled,” announced Jeff soothingly.

“Who settled it?”



“Yas, me–out of pyure frien’ship fur you. Lissen, Brother Lovin’, an’ give due heed. I comes to you d’rect frum Gumbo Rollins. He’s done seen the error of the way he acked tow’ds you that time. He’s cravin’ that all the grudges of the bygone past shall be disremembered. Here’s whut he’s goin’ to do: He’s goin’ give yore organization the reg’lar cut, an’ ‘pon top of that he’s goin’ hand you, pussonally an’ private, a special extra five pur cent, on all he teks in; that comes ez a free-will offerin’ to you. He’s goin’ ‘bandon his plan to run ez a independint attraction on the Eighth down back of the market-house. He’s goin’ be wid you heart an’ soul an’ Flyin’ Jinny. All he asts, through me, is that he kin have the right to set her up on the purtic’lar spot w’ich he’s got in mind out there on them show-ground lots. An’ finally an’ furthermo’ he’s done commission me to hand you ten dollars, unbeknownst to anybody, jes’ to prove to you that his heart’s in the right place an’ that he’s wishful fur to do the square thing.” He felt in his pockets, producing a crumpled bill. “An’ here ’tis!”

AEsop pouched the currency on the flank where he carried his personal funds before his commercial instinct inspired him to seek out the motives actuating the volunteer peacemaker. Experience had taught him to beware of Greeks bearing gifts–not of the gifts particularly, but of the Greeks.

“Well,” he said, “ef Gumbo Rollins aims to be honest an’ open an’ abovebode wid us, w’y that puts a diff’unt face on it. But so fur ez I heared tell, you an’ Gumbo Rollins ain’t been so thick ez all this up till now. I’s wonderin’ whut does you ‘spect to git out of the little transaction fur yo’se’f? ‘Ca’se I gives you warnin’ right yere an’ now that ef you’s hopin’ to git a split out of me you mout jes’ ez well stop dreamin’ ary sech a delusion an’ become undelirious ag’in.”

“Stop, Brother Lovin’,” broke in Jeff in the tone of one aggrieved at being unjustly accused. “Has I asted you fur anything? Then wait till I does so.”

“All right,” agreed AEsop. “I’ll wait till you does so an’ w’en you does so I’ll say no, same ez I’s already sayin’ it to you in advance. Say, boy, you must have yore reasons fur the int’rust you is displayin’ in dis matter.”

“Whutever ’tis ‘taint got nothin’ to do wid lurin’ no money out of yore possession,” said Jeff. His voice changed to one of deep gravity. “Brother Lovin’, look yere at me.”