5 Works of Thornton Waldo Burgess
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CHAPTER I. Paddy the Beaver Begins Work. Work, work all the nightWhile the stars are shining bright;Work, work all the day;I have got no time to play. This little rhyme Paddy the Beaver made up as he toiled at building the dam which was to make the pond he so much desired deep in the […]
CHAPTER I. MRS. REDWING’S SPECKLED EGG Old Mother West Wind came down from the Purple Hills in the golden light of the early morning. Over her shoulders was slung a bag–a great big bag–and in the bag were all of Old Mother West Wind’s children, the Merry Little Breezes. Old Mother West Wind came down […]
CHAPTER I: Reddy Fox Brings Granny News Pray who is there who would refuseTo bearer be of happy news?–Old Granny Fox. Snow covered the Green Meadows and the Green Forest, and ice bound the Smiling Pool and the Laughing Brook. Reddy and Granny Fox were hungry most of the time. It was not easy to […]
CHAPTER I: Whitefoot Spends A Happy Winter In all his short life Whitefoot the Wood Mouse never had spent such a happy winter. Whitefoot is one of those wise little people who never allow unpleasant things of the past to spoil their present happiness, and who never borrow trouble from the future. Whitefoot believes in […]
TO MY DAUGHTER WHOSE ASSISTANCE IN THE PREPARATIONOF THIS VOLUME HAS BEEN INVALUABLEIT IS MOST AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED CHAPTER I PETER RABBIT LOSES HIS APPETITE Good appetite, you’ll always find,Depends upon your state of mind.Peter Rabbit. Peter Rabbit had lost his appetite. Now when Peter Rabbit loses his appetite, something is very wrong indeed with him. […]