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169 Works of Thomas Hood

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Her Moral

Story type: Poetry

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Gold! Gold! Gold! Gold! Bright and yellow, hard and cold, Molten, graven, hammer’d and roll’d; Heavy to get, and light to hold; Hoarded, barter’d, bought, and sold, Stolen, borrow’d, squander’d, doled: Spurn’d by the young, but hugg’d by the old To the very verge of the churchyard mould; Price of many a crime untold; Gold! […]

The Lee Shore

Story type: Poetry

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Sleet! and Hail! and Thunder! And ye Winds that rave, Till the sands thereunder Tinge the sullen wave– Winds, that like a Demon, Howl with horrid note Round the toiling Seaman, In his tossing boat– From his humble dwelling, On the shingly shore, Where the billows swelling, Keep such hollow roar– From that weeping Woman, […]

The Death-Bed

Story type: Poetry

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We watch’d her breathing through the night. Her breathing soft and low, As in her breast the wave of life Kept heaving to and fro. So silently we seem’d to speak, So slowly moved about, As we had lent her half our powers To eke her living out. Our very hopes belied our fears, Our […]

The Exile

Story type: Poetry

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The swallow with summer Will wing o’er the seas, The wind that I sigh to Will visit thy trees. The ship that it hastens Thy ports will contain, But me!–I must never See England again! There’s many that weep there, But one weeps alone, For the tears that are falling So far from her own; […]


Story type: Poetry

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I will not have the mad Clytie, Whose head is turned by the sun; The tulip is a courtly queen, Whom, therefore, I will shun; The cowslip is a country wench, The violet is a nun;– But I will woo the dainty rose, The queen of every one. The pea is but a wanton witch, […]


Story type: Poetry

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Let us make a leap, my dear, In our love, of many a year, And date it very far away, On a bright clear summer day, When the heart was like a sun To itself, and falsehood none; And the rosy lips a part Of the very loving heart, And the shining of the eye […]


Story type: Poetry

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Far above the hollow Tempest, and its moan, Singeth bright Apollo In his golden zone,– Cloud doth never shade him, Nor a storm invade him, On his joyous throne. So when I behold me In an orb as bright, How thy soul doth fold me In its throne of light! Sorrow never paineth, Nor a […]


Story type: Poetry

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Unfathomable Night! how dost thou sweep Over the flooded earth, and darkly hide The mighty city under thy full tide; Making a silent palace for old Sleep, Like his own temple under the hush’d deep, Where all the busy day he doth abide, And forth at the late dark, outspreadeth wide His dusky wings, whence […]

(A MOTHER WATCHES BY HER SICK BABE.) Round about the casement Wail the winds of winter; Shaken from the frozen eaves Many an icy splinter. On the hillside, in the hollow, Weaving wreaths of snow: Now in gusts of solemn music Lost in murmurs low; Howling now across the wold In its shroudlike vastness, Like […]